Author Topic: Arthanor's hammer fix  (Read 13775 times)

Offline Yankes

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Re: Arthanor's hammer fix
« Reply #15 on: December 05, 2015, 05:03:22 pm »
I see that Yankes is here.  What if OXCE allowed weapons to rename their attacks?  So you open the hammer and see "Smash Terrain, Hit, Throw" instead of "Snap Shot, Hit, Throw".  It could also be useful for weapons like the electro whip (very short range "Snap Shot") or Black Powder Bomb (throwing weapon implemented as a firing weapon).

Code: [Select]
  - type: STR_HAMMER
  - type: STR_WHIP
    textSnap: STR_WHIP_SHOT
Yes and no. Yes becasue I already did something like that for psi-attack add doing it for other its not that hard. No because I now focusing on scripting and I don't want be distracted by other things. When I finish everything and there is still demand for that functionality then I could do this.

Offline Dioxine

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Re: Arthanor's hammer fix
« Reply #16 on: December 05, 2015, 06:12:14 pm »
It seems rather obvious that you wouldn't fight someone the same way you smash a wall even if you had the same weapon.

With a sword? Yes. With a hammer? Not really... You just need to watch your timing, the 'technique' is always the same, you just swing a heavy object for massive damage. So while I respect your opinion, I need to think about a wider circle of users, and I am sure that to many of them, this would appear very counter-intuitive, as it appears to me.

Offline Arthanor

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Re: Arthanor's hammer fix
« Reply #17 on: December 05, 2015, 09:21:40 pm »
Well, I've never fought with a hammer, so I don't know either. But an opponent moves a lot more than a wall, and a wall (depending on what it is made of) may be much tougher than an opponent. So you don't want to telegraph your attack to a living opponent, but you can take however much time you feel like to "power up" to hit a wall. I've had a similar experience breaking planks compared to fighting people in martial arts, but that's not fighting with a hammer either.

Any how, as I said earlier, it's all moddable and people can use whichever version they prefer as long as this stays here. The advantages of the current method are obvious, but I wanted to offer an alternative.

@Brian: Renaming attacks would help with a few of these "innovative applications of existing mechanics", that's a good idea.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2015, 09:28:21 pm by Arthanor »

Offline Dioxine

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Re: Arthanor's hammer fix
« Reply #18 on: December 05, 2015, 09:30:14 pm »
E = mv^2, so "powering up" actually powers your attack down. And you really cannot make a feint or other trick with a two-handed hammer (well, maybe kicking some sand or otherwise distracting the enemy, but the hammer attack itself cannot be non-obvious). Trust me, I worked with demolition hammers :) Now, if you had a pneumatic drill, instead of a hammer, that'd change the whole situation... :)

But yeah, I was just explaining why I don't want in the main. But if it passes my quality checks (basically no cheats/no crashes/no ugly gfx), I can add it to the package as an extra mod :) btw I decided to merge your alternate Jugger sprites into the main, so it's not like I'm shooting everything down :) (plus, as you said, this is your playground, not mine :) )

EDIT: And to be clear, I don't consider your alternate hammer to be cheaty.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2015, 09:37:54 pm by Dioxine »

Offline Arthanor

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Re: Arthanor's hammer fix
« Reply #19 on: December 05, 2015, 11:13:23 pm »
E = mv^2, so "powering up" actually powers your attack down.
Uh? I meant as in starting from further back so you could achieve a higher impact velocity, something you can afford to do against a wall, but not against an opponent (as it gives them more time to see you coming and dodge). Also.. you forgot a half :P

No worries about "hurt feelings" or something. I'm throwing suggestions and possibilities around, to discuss and have fun. I'm more worried about you getting annoyed at having to deal with the volume of them on top of other mod work, than me getting annoyed at you not liking them. Your work has captured my interest/imagination, which means now you have to deal with said imagination :P

As far as taking things in, I'm happy you consider things, but it's your mod and it obviously always should be how you think it makes sense. XCom (and Piratez) is a single player game, and on my computer all my suggestions get accepted any ways ;) (well, the ones I have time to implement... and then share) I was pleased to see the alternate juggernaut get in, and am thinking I might play around with some extra detailing eventually, like adding some red for the graffiti or spikes.

Back to Hammers:
I still can't believe one would fight the same way with a hammer (if they knew how to fight with one) as they'd destroy walls, but taking a step back, that's not really all that relevant (although it's interesting!) and I think we've covered the topic. Now we just need to find one of those weird pseudo-science shows which test things :D

Mod wise, either you do everything in one snap shot (but not in diagonals..!) or you split killing people (but not people above..!) from smashing walls. There's pros and cons, now we can do either. When/if Yankes implements melee damaging terrain, then there will be the obvious best solution.

EDIT: And to be clear, I don't consider your alternate hammer to be cheaty.
I try not to be! At least when it comes to mods. Not restarting a mission when it all goes wrong is a lot more difficult.