** IMPORTANT: the linked files are provided as is, without any guarantee, use at your own risk! **Hi all,
this was frikkin'
complicated... but after many hours (and big help from my little brother!) I was able to compile OpenXcom in VS2015.
1/ the new precompiled dependencies (32bit, Release and Debug) can be downloaded here: link removed (2 MB)
2/ there was still a problem with compiling OpenXcom (same as here:
I solved it by adding "YAML_CPP_DLL" in OpenXcom project properties > Preprocessor definitions... there is probably a much better way to do it, but I leave that to SupSuper once he creates official dependencies and compilation instructions. See attached screenshot.
Meridian (and brother)
EDIT: versions used to compile dependencies:
SDL: 1.2.15
SDL_gfx: 2.0.25
SDL_image: 1.2.12
SDL_mixer: 1.2.12 (libmikmod: master from February 2016)
yaml: master from 18th November 2016, doesn't need Boost anymore! requires C++11 though