Hi! I want to share my feedback. I've played UFO: EU in the DOS times, then a few years ago I played OXC Final Mod Pack, recently played FMP again, and now I'm in March 2000 in the Hardmode Expansion, on Ironman (I know this is not recommended, but read on).
First, let me say this loud and clear - although I think some things could work a bit better, this is the best mod I've played, and my current game is the best xcom game since ever. The. Best. Ever.
The first 9 months or so were a real struggle. I've been losing missions, losing interceptors, skyrangers, a few times almost lost the game (because of financial, or because of score). Oh, I also lost two bases. The game has been unforgiving of any mistakes, my soldiers rarely lived longer than one month, but it has been *very* enjoyable. A few missions that I remeber particularly well:
- storming my first Fighter craft. I remembered from FMP (on Veteran) that it has just two engineers inside. Man, that was a surprise!
- early-mid-game, just after I could afford to give my whole squad the Personal Armour, storming the very large craft (lab ship? Or how that's called). I've been well below a low score limit last moths, and lost some missions this month, and I've known that I lose the game if I lose this mission. These ships are very defensive, and I lost my whole squad, except for one soldier. I have known that there's just one red muton left, but I had a dillema, to retreat to the craft and abandon the mission (meaning almost sure that end of month will be end of game), or to fight - if I died, end of month would surely, 100%, be end of game. Ironman, no saves. xD! (I won, running with two pre-primed alien grenades and motion scanner, and I honestly was surprised that I ended the month with score of 4. Four points above zero)
- storming alien base just to not lose the month - late in the game, but without power suits yet. Alien bases have become easier to storm in the mid game, more on this below.
- cargo ship massacre mission, early in the game - sniper rifles with alloy ammo vs floaters I think? Or sectoids? Not sure. I've had 5-6 soldiers left alive, pretty much for the terror mission, but I was sure that I will bail out when I go to lower decks. Fortunately, there was no lower deck (in TFTD, ship massacres were much, much longer).
I love the balance, which in the early to mid game was always forcing me to do very difficult decisions. This mod is difficult, challenging, and very rewarding. My wife has been killing me, telling me that I must stop playing this, but I just couldn't. And ironman - you can't compare this to superhuman, there are no difficult decisions to make if you can just save before

This mod has really forced me to play the best xcom campaigns ever, and I know that I was never even close with the quality of my game.
I have only one minor remark about the balance in the early game: tanks and drones. I have never played them well, although I tried. I know there are players who do well with tanks, but... they're much, much more expensive than 4 rookies, and certainly have less possibilities than 4 rookies. I lost my tanks often, and kept on repairing them, but when I lost both without recovering the parts, I just didn't buy them any more - and the game become easier. Sure, a tank may survive a single hit, which an unarmoured soldier would not... but most often my tanks were anyway going down after a single hit, or two.
Anyway, now, in the mid-late game, I have two strike teams, I use scatter lasers almost exclusively, and most often fight muton elite and sectoid elite, sometimes ethereal. The game become easy. I am not sure, if this means that it's unbalanced, or could be improved, or it's just is what it is, with better tech I get easier gameplay? Anyway, my observations:
- scatter lasers are not a bad weapon for long range. You can kill ethereal or sectoid from a long distance quite easily. With muton elite, well, you better cover, but still I often force close combat, even in artic/desert missions.
- scatter lasers are *extremely effective* against cyberdiscs and sectopods. I'm not sure it it is not a bug? I'm pretty sure I saw sectopod go down after a single hit.
- power suit saves lives pretty well in the alien grenade blast area. Also, killing a cyberdisc from 0-tile distance will kill the soldier, but a bit further - not a scratch. I kill discs in alien bases from 2-3 tiles away, with a single scatter-laser shot.
- muton berserkers were a pain in the ass, until I've found out to set up traps for them and kill them with reaction fire.
Perhaps I can make my game more challenging if I just stop using scatter lasers, not sure. Maybe I will.
Alien missions - I feel like alien base assault is one of the easiest mission types now. When I storm alien base with 16 people, all with smoke grenades, motion scanners and scatter lasers, I most often lose 3-5 soldiers, and gain millions in sales, and at least 1000-1100 points. I seriously started allowing aliens to build bases, just to be able to storm them later. The ground assault missions are still hard, sometimes. I definitely prefer to raid a base than to raid a battleship or a terror ship. Although... I think at least with some ship types, there's a deployment problem: I think I've won at least one supply ship assault, and one lab-ship assault (or was it a battleship?) without even leaving the vicinity of the dropship. The aliens just kept coming, till there were no more. But anyway, often when I have a decision to make - to assault a large ship, or not, I decide not to. I'd lose more people than in alien base, for much lesser rewards.
I haven't seen any snakemen yet - do they appear late in the game?
Anyway, I keep on playing. I'm about to fight my first ethereal base (I play with psionics line of sight, I guess this makes ethereal much less dangerous; I didn't ever like psionics though, it's just too easy in the late game, and screening and firing weak psi-strength soldiers is too easy when ethereal appear). I'm not sure where to go from here now, but I love this mod. I haven't expected so rewarding gameplay, and I really can't complain that the game becomes too easy. Maybe it's just experience. I still lose a lot of people in my second strike team - this is a rookies cannon fodder for small and medium ships, just with personal armour, survivors get promotion to my primary team.
Also, I sell almost all alien weapons, but keep all blaster launchers and eggs. I'm going to try scorched earth scenario on some missions when I finally research blasters, and if that does well, do this on Cydonia. Not sure how far I am from Cydonia (can research the martian solution, but no elerium-based crafts). Plan for now:
- try some new tactics in ground assaults, maybe they *could* be won at lower costs than alien bases?
- disable psi-line of sight if ethereals are too easy
- stop using scatter lasers maybe
- hunt for medics and engineers, I think I need them for some research
Again, in last words: this mod is great!