Strange. I tried race 0 weights with latest nightly but I still get STR_FLOATER assigned in the deployment. I'm using a saved game to test, maybe some of the values are cached once the game is started? I'm afraid without a more concrete suggestion for how to address I'm going to work with the existing strings to make it bulletproof, at least until I can see if TFTD rules provide additional insight.
Weird, testing with a new game and made it past a ton of terror mission encounters just fine. Made it to the 3rd tier encounters in month 4, so maybe something else was going on. I did find a STR error in my deployments, but that shouldn't have let to the floater error, unless the game was doing some sort of default load because my rule was messed up.
I guess I'll do some more play testing fresh and if it pops up again I'll switch the strings to use the existing races.