Yeah but a laser rifle probably wouldn't be aimed via traditional sighting anyway, right? It's got a bright, built-in laser sight! I'd assume it could be fired as accurately from the hip as from the shoulder.
I dunno. :3
Doesn't matter if it has a laser sight or not (and there are already laser sights available).

If you want to aim a gun the best way is to steady the weapon against your shoulder so that your eyes can follow the gun's sight (and make sure that the weapon is actually pointing towards where you want it to be) and the weapon itself is fired from a more stable position. Hip firing is usually only used as a last resort measure, i.e., if you are surprised in close quarters combat (and on which case getting the first shots is more important than aiming the weapon).
Um... hip shooting is definitely note as steady as pulling a weapon into the shoulder. Its kind of a biomechanical thing. That said, this is still just a game and not a reality simulator, and I think the graphics look really sweet. 
former US marine seems to disagree with you:
"Firing from the hip is also stupid, even firing a machine gun from the hip is something only an amateur will do. Some machine guns, however, have too much kick to fire from the shoulder and must be fired from the hip in an emergency. When Rambo mowed down all the bad guys with an M60 machine gun in one hand I realized that the producer had no clue as to what he was doing. Hip firing is not accurate at all and is a great way to waste ammo. The only way it might be accurate is if the gunner 'walked' his rounds into the target by observing where they hit and adjusting his hold. Walking rounds into a target is only effective if the shooter has all the time in the world and the target is not firing back. Machine guns come with bipods and tripods for this reason, they are not meant to be firing without being braced on something solid."
Hip fire may look good on videogames and movies but to my knowledge no real life military force would use it as a tactic.