I noticed there's a rather distinct lack of sound mods, so i got to working on my own for the sake of putting some variety up.
I'm partway through, i've gotten the vast majority of the weapon-related sounds done (really it's just the blaster launcher that's not done yet, at the time of this writing), right now i'm working on the alien death sounds, though as i'm not exactly a skilled sound engineer it's extremely hard and time-consuming getting them to sound A. alien and B. not cheesy as all hell, while still
sorta sticking to the style of the old sounds.
Here's a video of the weapon sounds as they are now. All are subject to change,
especially the laser firing sounds which i've already changed like 3 times now (i'm specifically staying away from the Hollywood "PEW PEW" and going for a more realistic (or at least, plausible) sound, combining the high-frequency whine with a subtle burning sound you probably can't even hear over the music, seeing as a high-powered laser like that would literally be scorching the air into plasma. Problem is getting it to sound right, not nearly as easy as it might seem. Plasma firing's also made to be sensical, plasma's superhot ionized gas after all, hence the crackling and burning for my sound, none of the original "PEW").
Also, apologies for the poor video quality, the audio quality's also going to be a bit low there, it sounds better actually ingame. All the CC0 sounds i'm using for this are good quality, and i make sure they stay good when i'm through with them
I'm working on this on a "when i get around to it" timeline right now, since i don't wanna burn myself out trying to get all this to sound right.
Sectoid preview.
Ethereal preview.