Super stallion is my favorite helicopter in the world :-)
What did I like about xeno? Hmm.
First faithful remake of xcom. Everyone else decides to change things up, 'reimagine', and basically just ruins it. Xeno plays almost exactly like the original.
Modding. Like OpenXcom, modding Xeno is pretty damned easy.
Graphics. They have a sort of 80s feel to them, but are very much updated compared to xcom.
Alien types, and the fact they're all color coded. Considering capturing live aliens outside of specific ones serves absolutely no purpose (which is a major negative for me), it's nice to be able to find the specific one you're looking for easily.
The UI. Being obviously done at a higher res than xcom, there is just so much more info available. Screens look cleaner because of this as well.
The behind the scenes stuff. The coding for aggressiveness, firing angles, chance to bring soldiers back alive when they were mortally wounded, what gets damaged in a crash etc. All of it is moddable, and it is really nice to see so much detail.
Air combat. Oh man. It isn't as simple as just pressing a range button and letting your ship duke it out. You can auto-resolve, but you can also dog fight the UFOs. It is such a highly detailed and fun system, one of the best things about the game.
Base defenses automatically upgrade when you research new tech. Missiles to laser, laser to plasma, etc. You don't have to destroy your current ones in order to build the improved ones.
UFOs, in general, are much bigger. Some of the end game UFOs take forever to clear out.
You have the ability to 'airstrike' a crashed UFO instead of having to either fight or ignore them all
You get a decent amount of money from this, but obviously nothing recovered and no experience for your soldiers.
Leveleing up. Each ability can gain a point or more on every mission, all you have to do is use it. Move around a lot, your tus go up, etc. There is no random aspect to it. No convoluted rules. Use a stat, it goes up.
Things I don't like.
Capturing aliens. What's nice about it is, once you research a live one of a species, you get a 10% damage bonus against that species for the rest of the game. However, you really only need to capture like 3-4 specific aliens thought the entire game. Other than the damage bonus, nothing else comes from capturing them alive. As a matter of fact, any alien you capture beyond the initial of the species or the specific ones you need to progress, they automatically get killed at the end of the mission.
The engine. Xeno was built on the Diner Dash engine, and as such, has a plethora of limitations and innate bugs that this sort of game really shouldn't have.
It has the same issue with 'teirs' that xcom does. Like 4 theirs of weapons and armor, and only a tiny handful of alien types. You'd think with such an updated and expanded game they could've added more to it.
Official support is done. No expansions or anything, ever. Patching is left largely to the community through what is known as the 'community edition' patch, which isn't much of a complaint as they are doing amazing things with it, but the guy behind Xeno basically just released it and moved on. I think he plans one final patch for stuff the community can't fix and then that's it.
Character faces, inventory screens, etc are cartoony and frankly terrible to look at. There are of course mods that fix this, thankfully.
The god mode plane. The final interceptor/craft weapon (that only it can use) literally one shots anything it touches. It annihilates even the toughest UFOs. No crash landing to go to, they get turned to dust.
The game is severely lopsided as far as difficulty goes. The aliens have (depending on difficulty) a HUGE advantage over you. I can understand making things challenging, but we're talking Dark Souls level of brutality.
UFOs on the battlescape aren't destructible. They are hand drawn (and look absolutely amazing) but the outer hulls are indestructible. The only way in is through a door, which usually is a great place to get ambushed.
The UFOpaedia has issues, and isn't all-inclusive. Some topics don't show up, others just get replaced with newer tech.
Overall, I absolutely love Xenonauts. I've sunk about 40 hours just modding the game, and several hundred actually playing. And I haven't even beat it yet. I would still be playing it had I not found out about OpenXcom!