
Author Topic: heh. well then, back to xcom school I go!  (Read 8122 times)

Offline endersblade

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heh. well then, back to xcom school I go!
« on: November 09, 2014, 11:58:57 pm »
A friend told me about this, I immediately downloaded it. I've been playing a lot of EU/EW and Xenonauts lately to get my xcom fix. But who can pass up a new and improved version of a classic?

I downloaded a few mods from here. Mostly new maps and such, as I STILL have all the original maps memorized. So I get in game, set up my first base in Italy, and get a terror mission within the first few days. Interesting. I got SLAUGHTERED! Floaters and REAPERS right at the start? Ouch! My guys ran completely out of ammo. Got down to two soldiers vs two reapers and a floater. Reapers ate them, mission lost.

I don't remember the game being this difficult! All the newer clones have apparently made me soft :-P I need to retrain apparently!

Can't tell you how much I love this project. I much preferred TFTD over the original, but I still love it. And how simple it is to mod! I used to hex edit the old one, this one should be a lot of fun, and so much easier to tweak!

Offline xracer

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Re: heh. well then, back to xcom school I go!
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2014, 04:13:16 am »
This ain't good old X-COM this is X-COM, with a TFTD attitude and will to make you suffer. I am happy to see your Italy mission went as "planned" :) Also make sure you active the sneaky AI option, that will make things even more fun ;)

About mods, there are a lot of skillful people around here, they will gladly answer any questions.

Welcome to OpenXcom

Offline endersblade

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Re: heh. well then, back to xcom school I go!
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2014, 04:42:40 am »
Heh, thanks :-)

I actually lost 3 rooks to a floater right outside the ship. They stepped off, boom, dead. Really no defense to that :-( I still remember the days of thinking I could wait a turn and the alien would move...only for said alien to come forth and lpb a grenade into the back of the OK' ranger lol. Entire crew, dead on T2. That'll set you back a bit!

I've opened the files (rulesets beat the hell out of hex editing!) And am salavating to get home and start tweaking!

Offline xracer

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Re: heh. well then, back to xcom school I go!
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2014, 04:46:37 am »
smoke grenades baby!!!! what is what they are made for. throw 1 or two in front of you skyranger gives you time to get your units ready for battle, pre-prime grenades in your pre-battle inventory so no time wasted in battle.  watch some of the playtrought you can pick up a few pointers, to prevent a slaughter. :)

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: heh. well then, back to xcom school I go!
« Reply #4 on: November 10, 2014, 02:46:58 pm »
Confirmed! The need for smoke grenades indicates how high your difficulty rating is. :)

Offline endersblade

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Re: heh. well then, back to xcom school I go!
« Reply #5 on: November 11, 2014, 01:09:27 am »
That was on veteran :-)

I just tried a game on...experienced? Second difficulty. Three UFOs outflew my interceptors, then I get a terror mission. First guy steps off, boom, dead. Three more, dead. Fourth goes out to find a cyberdisc. After four rounds pumping lead into that thing, it (and a hidden alien of some sort) kill off my last rook. Mission failed, basically game over.

It was kinda funny the first time. Now it's just getting lame.

I installed FMP. Love it. Shot guns are my favorite! Can't wait to see what else this thing can do!

Offline Falko

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Re: heh. well then, back to xcom school I go!
« Reply #6 on: November 11, 2014, 01:30:01 am »
step out on the second turn and use smoke => 90% less deaths during deployment

Offline The Reaver of Darkness

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Re: heh. well then, back to xcom school I go!
« Reply #7 on: December 15, 2014, 01:59:03 pm »
I got SLAUGHTERED! Floaters and REAPERS right at the start? Ouch!
You got lucky, floaters and reapers are the easiest. I've noticed that first-month terror sites are usually floaters, might be for this reason. Or maybe on Superhuman they would throw sectoids at you for a first month terror mission.

I don't remember the game being this difficult! All the newer clones have apparently made me soft :-P I need to retrain apparently!
Am I the only one who feels that Xcom EU was a lot more difficult than old Xcom?

Offline kharille

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Re: heh. well then, back to xcom school I go!
« Reply #8 on: December 16, 2014, 04:50:09 am »
I use rocket launchers.  Or at least for the first 4 soldiers.  Plenty of smoke generated from that device and with the new OpenXcom you never run out of it.

The 12' edition?  Yeah, its hard for me since I can't use my human wave tactics....

Offline endersblade

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Re: heh. well then, back to xcom school I go!
« Reply #9 on: December 17, 2014, 05:30:00 am »
You got lucky, floaters and reapers are the easiest. I've noticed that first-month terror sites are usually floaters, might be for this reason. Or maybe on Superhuman they would throw sectoids at you for a first month terror mission.

Am I the only one who feels that Xcom EU was a lot more difficult than old Xcom?
EU and EW are a joke. Once I got the hang of the new system and the different classes, I just stopped losing people completely. Once EW came out, I beat it on Impossible Ironman within the first day.

Offline kharille

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Re: heh. well then, back to xcom school I go!
« Reply #10 on: December 17, 2014, 10:00:49 am »
Some hollow feeling with that game.  Played Enemy within but I can't bring myself to finish it.  And I don't think I'll restart a game of EU ever again. 

Fun thing is a new game of OpenXcom or other games are a pleasure to restart.

Still can't finish OpenXcom though.  Must've been abusing the saves but I got all the countries and all technologies, just constructing mega bases for the fun of it, and quickly watching my soldiers evolve into a 50+ psi strength minimum force.  Can barely get through a month since its on superhuman and I can expect maybe 40 ufos a month or more.  Need to stop visiting crash sites....

Offline endersblade

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Re: heh. well then, back to xcom school I go!
« Reply #11 on: December 19, 2014, 11:43:05 pm »
I like EW a lot more than EU, but I still don't really consider the game to be a true successor to X-COM.  Just like The Bureau: XCOM Declassified.  They're in the same universe, but really have not a lot in common.  But I do enjoy playing through EW on occasion, my current game is in...I want to say year 6 lol.  My soldiers all have over 800 missions and at least that in kills.  I like long games :-)  But like I said, I completed it on the hardest difficulty the first day it released; it's just not a challenge.  Some of the mods people have come up with really add to it, like more/larger alien spawning pods, I get large UFOs that have crews of like 60 lol.  Love it.

But it just doesn't beat the awesome feel of the original (Or OpenXcom in this case).  One of the things that absolutely drives me up the fucking wall in EU/EW is that sometimes aliens will 'teleport' from where they originally spawned and end up behind you.  This is most noticeable on Battleships.  Work your way to the command center, kill everything along the way, kill the final guy...and find out there's now a squad behind you.

And to go along with that, Aliens don't actually exist in the game until you can SEE them.  For example, and I know this has to do with the EU/EW engine that just doesn't allow such a thing, but in OpenXcom, when you miss the alien you're shooting at, the bullet will continue to travel, and if there happens to be an alien somewhere along its path, even if you can't SEE it, you can hit it.  Not so in EW.  The aliens just don't exist on the map until you uncover their spawn locations, or they move into view.  I also don't think the engine allows stray shots to hit other aliens (or XCOM soldiers, if the aliens miss).

In other words, in OpenXcom, the aliens are on the map at the start of the game, and it is entirely possible to hit and even kill them without even knowing they are there.  in EW, I could launch a fusion missile into a UFO (outside of my viewing range) and it will annihilate all the doodads, but not a single alien will take damage.  Then move the UFO into range, and aliens scatter.  You launch a blaster bomb into a UFO in OpenXcom, there's a good chance you're going to take out a few aliens.

However, Xcom/OpenXcom isn't without it's...well, I call them flaws, but it's just how the game was done.  It is IMPOSSIBLE to have all of your base slots filled with, well, actual BASES, because everything just costs so damned much.  You can make them 'interceptor' bases, add a hyperwave relay, and that's about it.  We are talking about a defense force tasked with defending the WORLD from aliens; having one 'main' base seems like a seriously bad design flaw.  If that base goes down, what then?  There should be independent bases the world round that can function perfectly fine if your original base goes down.  Redundancy.  I have spent almost all of the time I've been modding OpenXcom just trying to find a happy balance of monthly expenditures so that I can actually have a good base setup.  I still have farm UFOs, sell parts, etc, it isn't a cakewalk, but at least I'm not going -20 million every month.

I like the fact in EU/EW (and Xenonauts) that there's a chance to get back a soldier who was 'killed' on the field.  There's nothing I hate more than having to constantly replace good soldiers.  Again, I know this is just how OpenXcom is designed, it's just that I've gotten used to the more upgraded side of things.  And along with that, seemingly no way to reduce hospital time?  You'd think out of all the alien tech we research, they'd find a way to make humans heal faster.  They do it in other games, why not this one?

Something that annoys me about pretty much all of them (although UFO: ET really made me nerdgasm) is the whole "Ballistics -> Lasers -> Plasma" and that's it.  Three tiers of weapons.  It's like this in almost every single X-COM clone out there.  Same with armors.  You get maybe one more tier of armor than you do weapons, but it's basically just "jumpsuit -> Flimsy armor made of new alien materials -> ultimate armor".  I just want MORE.  in UFO: ET, with the Mod that comes with the Steam version (and possibly part or in whole, the base game, I have never played it without the mod so I don't know), there are probably 10 or more tiers of weapons, and close to that for armors.  There are more tiers of aliens, too.  You also research things like personal shields, or mind shields, etc.  Yes, I know we have mods that DO a lot of this, I use the Final Mod Pack myself for this reason, and it really extends the game.  But it's fan-made, I want something officially supported.

The original X-COM (actually TFTD) is my absolute favorite, the structure and playstyle of the game just has no competition.  But there are so many other 'upgrades' that have been introduced along the way by clones that would really do some awesome things for the original game.  I know a lot of it simply isn't possible because of the file and code structure of the antiquated game, but I just wish someone would make a FAITHFUL remake of X-COM, just...more modernized.  Not this "re-imagined" bullshit that they did with EU/EW.  Great games, but not what we've been looking for.  Xenonauts is the closest thing I can find to a more updated version of X-COM while still remaining almost completely faithful to the original, but it was coded on a shitty engine and has lots of behind-the-scenes issues and limitations.

I love OpenXcom, because it brings back the nostalgia and allows for easy modding, so you can change and add things so it's really never the same game twice.  But nostalgia can only be ridden out for so long.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2015, 12:22:11 pm by endersblade »

Offline kharille

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Re: heh. well then, back to xcom school I go!
« Reply #12 on: December 22, 2014, 03:42:25 am »
In the original it was possible to sneak up on the aliens, shoot them up from behind, stalk them to some degree.  I had hoped they would do stuff with the remake, instead I see lots of animation and less gameplay.  No fatigue, no management of weights, just cartoon animation and limited voice acting.  Some things were streamlined.  I suppose, it can be hard to get into if its complex.  I haven't found time for more than 15 minutes on the newly launched Elite Dangerous space flight/trading simulator since you need to figure out all the controls and procedures.  The original 94' game was so intuitive.  Now they simplify it.

Offline Random Commander

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Re: heh. well then, back to xcom school I go!
« Reply #13 on: December 30, 2014, 07:57:22 am »
Am I the only one who feels that Xcom EU was a lot more difficult than old Xcom?

Hey, if you've tried the Long War mod, you know how hard EU/EW can truly get.