
Author Topic: CTD with no error when attempting to launch crash site mission  (Read 5688 times)

Offline ziechael

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CTD with no error when attempting to launch crash site mission
« on: November 03, 2014, 11:12:21 am »
I have successfully launched and completed the first very small crash site but from crash site 2+ (i've tried leaving it and going onto the next ship) the game crashes to desktop with no error message. All crashes have been when attempting to tackle a small ship crash site. I use the following mods:

I've tried a couple of alternative routes to launching the battle, removing tanks, using less people, standard weaponry etc but nothing seems to work. Possible conflicting mods?

I also get a crash to desktop when trying to build large living quarters/stores.

I'm playing on a mac.

If you want to recreate the issue use the mods listed and these saves:

Send the skyranger to the crash site/s and attempt to launch the mission.

You should get the same problem.. i hope :/\

thanks for any help as i'm just not sure which mod is causing the problem.

ps. have searched for similar and relevant threads but with no luck so apologies if this has been covered elsewhere.

Offline Warboy1982

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Re: CTD with no error when attempting to launch crash site mission
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2014, 11:32:19 am »
it's an STR_FIGHTER_SHIP if that helps identify the mod causing the issue.

Offline ziechael

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Re: CTD with no error when attempting to launch crash site mission
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2014, 02:16:50 pm »
Thanks Warboy, hopefully your identification of the craft can help narrow it down a bit for people in the know. I'm ridiculously new to openxcom despite spending most of my formative years playing and replaying the original!

I decided to strip my install back and start again to see if i could fix/replicate the issue by being more selective with my mods.

In this attempt i have only done the main install, universal patch, latest nightly and the final mod pack and the good news is that I can now land at crashed small ships (the furthest i've had chance to test).

However i do still have a persistent crash when attempting to build large living quarters/stores. I managed to put a large living quarters down when starting with custom bases on but it was the last room i put down and didn't want to be next to the access lift. However it did then crash when attempting to re-enter the base screen.

Not a massive problem as i can play without using the large ones, just thought i'd see if it was a known issue at all?

Thanks again for the quick response and for this project even existing, gave me happy feelings all over!

Offline Arthanor

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Re: CTD with no error when attempting to launch crash site mission
« Reply #3 on: November 03, 2014, 04:35:04 pm »
The Final Mod Pack already has an extended selection of UFOs, it is not compatible with YetMoreUFOs since both make changes to UFOs (and the associated maps/terrains).

Furthermore, you have activated all three variations of YetMoreUFOs, when you are supposed to only used one at a time:

Quote from: YetMoreUFOs ReadMe and Mod Page
Three rulesets are included (use only one of them):

You should really read the instructions provided with mods if you are not familiar with the game/mods/code enough to debug it yourself. It will save you a lot of trouble if you do things properly. Reading those, you would also notice that Luke's Extra UFOs is not compatible with YetMoreUFOs and that the Final Mod Pack includes Luke's Extra UFOs.

I suggest you turn off all the Yet More UFOs ruleset (and you might have to reinstall fully, since YetMoreUFOs changes map and terrain files in ways that makes them unusable by Luke's Extra UFOs or the Final Mod Pack).

In general, running other mods along with the Final Mod Pack is a rather risky proposition unless the mod is REALLY simple.

Offline ziechael

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Re: CTD with no error when attempting to launch crash site mission
« Reply #4 on: November 03, 2014, 04:41:48 pm »
Thanks, i will admit that in my excitement i got carried away with the mods and while i did skim read the instructions to ensure i was putting the files in the right place i will humbly admit to being a massive noob on that particular point.

I still have the large living quarters/stores issue and a new one has raised it's head also, i now get graphics glitches on custom content... specifically attack dogs, scout tank and when wearing custom starting armour (armoured vest).

Should i allow this thread to close and start a new one for the graphic glitching as it isn't title specific?

for reference, i am now using a fresh install with ultimate patch, latest nightly and FMP only.

Offline Arthanor

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Re: CTD with no error when attempting to launch crash site mission
« Reply #5 on: November 03, 2014, 05:22:46 pm »
Are you using a windows computer? Both Linux and Macs are known to have (different) graphic issues.

Offline ziechael

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Re: CTD with no error when attempting to launch crash site mission
« Reply #6 on: November 03, 2014, 05:29:16 pm »
I'm using mac 10.7.5

All custom weapons work fine graphically. It just seems to be armours and 'tanks'.

Thanks for the super quick help.

Offline Arthanor

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Re: CTD with no error when attempting to launch crash site mission
« Reply #7 on: November 03, 2014, 05:47:30 pm »
hum.. I can't see anything straight away that would cause issues, but I am using Linux, not a Mac. Could you post a screenshot of what it looks like? Maybe another Mac user can recognize the issue from the symptoms.

Offline ziechael

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Re: CTD with no error when attempting to launch crash site mission
« Reply #8 on: November 03, 2014, 05:54:51 pm »
Sure thing, this is an attack dog (honest!)

The scout drone looks the same and people in custom armour look like floating weapons with either no bodies at all or a few mulitcoloured pixels as with the dogs.

When i get home and have time i'll do some more experimenting to see if there is any conflict anywhere, have tried just with dogs and soldiers, just with tank and soldiers and just with soldier and the consistent theme is that the dogs and scout drones are always messed up and soldiers only get messed up with combat vests on (will check hazard suits later).