Author Topic: Retaliation Amnesia?  (Read 2441 times)

Offline Mackus

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Retaliation Amnesia?
« on: September 22, 2014, 04:10:31 pm »
In Original games, once Battleship/Dreadnought got to land, aliens forgot about the base they were assaulting.
In OpenXcom, they seem to send ship after ship until end of game.
Wouldn't it be nice if we got some settings to determine, whether aliens forget about the base? Lets say they simply give up for now, since they suffered losses for little to no gain, better terrorise poor civies.
Options would be:
- Chance of Aliens "forgetting" a base after assault defeated by ground troops: 0-100% (default 100%)
- Chance of Aliens "forgetting" a base after assault shot down by base defenses: 0-100% (default 20%)
- How much easy it would be for aliens to "rediscover" a base they once forgot: 0-100% (default 50%)
Last option would emulate how aliens are fed up with Xcom, and try another shot at the base. At 100% its just as hard as if they never knew (full amnesia), at 0% they'll find it pretty much by flying near it once, since flyover would be only confirmation if xcom still has base here.