I'm happy to announce that version 0.5.0 has been released. It should support the entire ruleset as of the openxcom_git_master_2014_09_06_0652 build.
Visit the tool page for download and screenshots.
Still not fully tested in-game so use with caution. Enjoy!
Version 0.5.0
+ Implemented full de-serialization and serialization of Xcom1Ruleset.
+ De-serialization with YamlDotNet; Serialization with custom code.
+ Added summary counts of loaded counts beside TreeView.
+ Removed right-click context for Add/Delete; Use of DataGrids instead.
+ Use File menu options to Load/Save/Create New rulesets.
*** Remember to make backups of your Ruleset and do a text compare once the ruleset is generated. ***
+ Generated ruleset has not been tested extensively in-game.
+ Editor will generate ruleset in the same order as the Xcom1Ruleset. Please refer to it for formatting.
+ Create new entry by clicking on the bottom-most empty row of a data grid.
+ Delete entries by hitting Delete on keyboard.
+ Arrays must be entered in this format: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
+ If a loaded ruleset contains an error the Editor will indicate the row number in the Output panel.
+ Save and backup regularly.
Known Issues:
- Issue with non-English string localization.
- No field validation.
- Trying to open a new ruleset while trying to edit a grid entry may free the Editor.
Please report any bugs on the OXC Forum.
https://www.openxcom.com/mod/oxc-ruleset-editorRuleset Reference: