Out of curiosity, where does all the "this colour laser does that" info come from? Are you in a secret US lab doing research on laser weapons?
It looks to me like they're all light, yellow no more or less than any other ones. Red is light at the longest wavelength we can see, purple at the shortest, and the others in between. LASER means "LIGHT Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation", it's an acronym, for a special kind light/light emission. I don't understand why yellow specifically is so bad. It sits right in the middle of the spectrum of visible light.
Your groupings are also weird:
Purple and red sit at opposite extremes of the visible light spectrum, yet are both long range, low damage?
Green is in the middle, so sure, if you want to go from one side of the visible spectrum being long range/low damage, the other short range/high damage, then green is the medium range&damage. But you have both extremes as long range/low damage so.. middle should be short range/high damage?
Yellow is between red and green, but somehow that's the wavelength where everything falls apart and it can't damage anything?
Then blue, between green and violet, but shortest range and highest damage?
If you had violet as your short range high damage, going to long range low damage as you get towards red
(so range ~ wavelength; damage ~ frequency), that could be an interesting model. But then your squad with laser weapons will shoot rainbows and from a game aesthetic perspective, I don't like it. I like to keep lasers as is. My improved lasers (Actually the Elerium Optical Effect Lasers mod, which I tweaked) shoot red beams, because it reminds me of Star Wars blasters.
I just checked a few laser cutters (never done that before!) as an approximation to a (bulky, super short range) laser weapon and their wavelengths vary. Some of them are even in the infrared (CO2 laser cutters, 10.6 um) and entirely invisible. But that would be super lame for a weapon.. I wanna see the beams when it makes pew-pew!