Author Topic: [BETA] Rebalance aliens  (Read 58182 times)

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: [BETA] Rebalance aliens
« Reply #105 on: September 21, 2014, 02:31:44 am »
The drone ammo is missing the battlesprite. Try this:

Code: [Select]
    size: 6
    costBuy: 200000
    costSell: 140000
    transferTime: 72
    weight: 10
    bigSprite: 90
    bulletSprite: 3
    fireSound: 72
    accuracySnap: 100
    tuSnap: 20
    battleType: 1
    fixedWeapon: true
    arcingShot: true
    invWidth: 2
    invHeight: 3
    listOrder: 1090
    size: 0.1
    costBuy: 100
    costSell: 50
    transferTime: 48
    weight: 0
    bigSprite: -1
    floorSprite: 12
    power: 55
    clipSize: 6
    damageType: 9
    battleType: 2
    maxRange: 3
    listOrder: 1091

Offline LeBashar

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Re: [BETA] Rebalance aliens
« Reply #106 on: September 21, 2014, 12:23:53 pm »
What I did find out if I disable all other mods and only activate "scoutdrone" mod, it also crashes.
I believe it is also included in this mod. Maybe someone could look into it, because I am not skilled enough to locate the exact problem.

Sorry for the inconvenience. This ruleset should resolve the problem with solarius advice. Please tell me if it's work, I have no attack base savegame to test it (and the attack base mission in training seem work but the scout drone don't appear, so I don't know if the problem is really solved)

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: [BETA] Rebalance aliens
« Reply #107 on: September 21, 2014, 02:08:52 pm »
Have you adjusted the indexes, like bigSprite, fireSound etc.? I forgot to mention this, but you probably know it if you're modding rulesets.

Offline LeBashar

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Re: [BETA] Rebalance aliens
« Reply #108 on: September 21, 2014, 04:48:29 pm »
Of course, I have look at your code and see the only thing missing in mine is the "floorsprite", so I add only this.

Offline Fred558

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Re: [BETA] Rebalance aliens
« Reply #109 on: September 21, 2014, 11:37:35 pm »
Sorry for the inconvenience. This ruleset should resolve the problem with solarius advice. Please tell me if it's work, I have no attack base savegame to test it (and the attack base mission in training seem work but the scout drone don't appear, so I don't know if the problem is really solved)

Well, no problem at all.
Happy I can locate a bug and help solve it. I really enjoy your modpack.
I only dislike the autogun picture. I kind of like the look of the original one. :-)

Anyway, I am playing on Ironman mode now, so the savegame before base attack is gone now. But I guess it won't be long till I am attacked again. I'll keep you posted.

Offline LeBashar

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Re: [BETA] Rebalance aliens
« Reply #110 on: September 22, 2014, 11:54:28 am »
Happy I can locate a bug and help solve it. I really enjoy your modpack.

Thank you very much :)

I only dislike the autogun picture. I kind of like the look of the original one. :-)

Interesting. Personally I always not really like the vanilla's heavy cannon and auto cannon, found them too weird, make my mind unable to think what they really are.  ::)
If you want go back to the original it's easy, in the ruleset, delete the two line with "7: Resources/Lebashar_Rebalanced/floorob_Minigun_Light.gif"

I wonder if you use the autocannon, what do you think of it ? I'm not already totally satified with it because I have found it too powerfull when firing IC shot (with 6x round, the IC initial damage which is not reduce by armor can do so much damage that it can kill a sectopod in only one burst, make the IC ammo the deadiest for the autocannon, able to rip nearly everything which is in line of fire).

Offline Fred558

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Re: [BETA] Rebalance aliens
« Reply #111 on: September 23, 2014, 09:22:24 am »
Interesting. Personally I always not really like the vanilla's heavy cannon and auto cannon, found them too weird, make my mind unable to think what they really are.  ::)
If you want go back to the original it's easy, in the ruleset, delete the two line with "7: Resources/Lebashar_Rebalanced/floorob_Minigun_Light.gif"

Well, I kind of liked the bulky look.
It indeed does not look like anything from real life, but I guess not everything has to.
Actually the same for the heavy canon, but I also like the look of your picture.   :)

I wonder if you use the autocannon, what do you think of it ? I'm not already totally satified with it because I have found it too powerfull when firing IC shot (with 6x round, the IC initial damage which is not reduce by armor can do so much damage that it can kill a sectopod in only one burst, make the IC ammo the deadiest for the autocannon, able to rip nearly everything which is in line of fire).

It does feel to powerfull now. And a lot of times it kills the target and continues to fire for a long time.
Is it possible to create a different burst fire modes?
Can you make it so you have a short burst and long burst?
Short one maybe 3 shots and long 6 or something. The short one being more accurate and long less of course.

Offline Dioxine

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Re: [BETA] Rebalance aliens
« Reply #112 on: September 23, 2014, 07:11:34 pm »
I've gotten around the problem with Autocannon by making it even more powerful than Heavy Cannon (which solves the problem with AP/I, as all ammo is deadly), but increasing the weight of the weapon and ammo by a factor of 2 (really needs Powered Armor that boosts strength, or maxed-out soldiers to be used). Oh yeah and the vanilla AC is mostly useless when you enable Extended accuracy...
« Last Edit: September 23, 2014, 07:13:14 pm by Dioxine »

Offline LeBashar

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Re: [BETA] Rebalance aliens
« Reply #113 on: September 23, 2014, 10:45:21 pm »
It does feel to powerfull now. And a lot of times it kills the target and continues to fire for a long time.
Is it possible to create a different burst fire modes?
Can you make it so you have a short burst and long burst?
Short one maybe 3 shots and long 6 or something. The short one being more accurate and long less of course.

It seem impossible to do as long as the number of round is define on the weapon and not on the clip. (maybe this thing could be modified in future with extend mod or something). And as far as I know, it is not possible to make two different autoshot in the same weapon. I have tried to make an illusion of small autoshot by making AP mode shot 3 pellets, and the autoshot mode shot 3x 3 pellets. But the result was not fun nor realist, and I have drop it.
For trying to make "more" shot in AP mode, I have make 2 pellets in this mode, and let HE and IC normal. But with 6 round, there is already far too more round in theses modes... and in the same time the AP shot don't make enought damage in my taste.
I can reduce the number of round. When I choose 6, the accuracy was poor. I have raise it after that and now I think it's too much. And in the same time, I found the damages dones by autocannon on walls and building too small. Not easy to make something satisfying me. :/

I've gotten around the problem with Autocannon by making it even more powerful than Heavy Cannon (which solves the problem with AP/I, as all ammo is deadly), but increasing the weight of the weapon and ammo by a factor of 2 (really needs Powered Armor that boosts strength, or maxed-out soldiers to be used). Oh yeah and the vanilla AC is mostly useless when you enable Extended accuracy...

I have already silghtly increase the weight, which I think sufficiant because I have also down the max strenght. My auto cannon is only able to be used because of light ammo clip of very low capacity.
And for accuracy, I have made the choice to give him a good accuracy at medium to long range, because it is the purpose of this weapon. The limitation I choose is to make only able to fire in autoshot, and one shot consume nearly all TUs of a turn. And I like this, for me there is only the power balance and number of round which need little more work.

And I must rework all the damage of the elerium ammo (my new anti-armor shell) because I want this able to totally destruct walls even in concrete.