Author Topic: Damage Type Options  (Read 8714 times)

Offline Chiko

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Damage Type Options
« on: July 07, 2014, 05:34:34 am »
Ability to edit some aspects of the damage caused by the weapons, for instance:

-Bleeding: Can the weapon, regardless of damage type, cause fatal wounds?
-Stunning: Does 10% of the damage caused by the weapon turn into Stun damage?
-Smoke: Does the weapon spawns a smoke that does the weapon's damage type each turn?
-Explosion: Does the weapon spawns an explosion that does the weapon's damage type?
-Incendiary: Can the weapon, regardless of damage type, spawn fires in any tile?
-Burning: Can the weapon spawn fires in burnable tiles/objects/units only?

Also, what about more damage types like EMP, that does stun damage to robots or the Sonic damage like in TFTD. Smoke damage could be renamed to Toxic damage since Smoke could be the damage behavior I mentioned instead.

Offline Muukalainen

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Re: Damage Type Options
« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2014, 03:56:43 pm »

My first mod was to make something like in Robocop, the Cobra Assault Cannon. It should be armour piercing bullet with small explosion and it should also start flames. Now I had to just make it heavy explosion damage 100, luckily thou it quite often starts flames.

So instead of setting damage type, the ammunitions could have damage value for every different type of damage.

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: Damage Type Options
« Reply #2 on: July 07, 2014, 06:26:10 pm »
-Bleeding: Can the weapon, regardless of damage type, cause fatal wounds?

I think (though I'm not perfectly sure) that the only types of damage that do not cause fatal wounds are stun and fire. Both are justified.

-Stunning: Does 10% of the damage caused by the weapon turn into Stun damage?

I'm not sure what you mean here. If you mean how much stun damage a unit receives exactly when receiving normal damage... Well, I don't know. :D

-Smoke: Does the weapon spawns a smoke that does the weapon's damage type each turn?

I don't think it's possible, but I saw... some experiments... somewhere around here. :)

-Explosion: Does the weapon spawns an explosion that does the weapon's damage type?

Not possible right now. It was requested multiple times though. (AP grenades, yay)

-Incendiary: Can the weapon, regardless of damage type, spawn fires in any tile?

Yeah, I'd like this effect on lasers and plasma.

-Burning: Can the weapon spawn fires in burnable tiles/objects/units only?

Probably not. I can't see much of use for this though, unless for beam weapons as explained above.

Also, what about more damage types like EMP, that does stun damage to robots or the Sonic damage like in TFTD. Smoke damage could be renamed to Toxic damage since Smoke could be the damage behavior I mentioned instead.

This has also been requested multiple times. Good you mentioned this, because every voice counts. :)

Offline Sturm

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Re: Damage Type Options
« Reply #3 on: July 07, 2014, 09:18:05 pm »
Soldiers getting set on fire by non-killing shots from plasma weapons :D .

Offline Chiko

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Re: Damage Type Options
« Reply #4 on: July 08, 2014, 01:11:15 am »
I think (though I'm not perfectly sure) that the only types of damage that do not cause fatal wounds are stun and fire. Both are justified.
Yup, but it would be useful to be able to affect that separately. I always imagined plasma weapons to be a stronger version of incendiary ammo, which would burn instead of causing bleedings.

I'm not sure what you mean here. If you mean how much stun damage a unit receives exactly when receiving normal damage... Well, I don't know. :D
Yup, like how AP damage sometimes stun aliens but having it as a toggleable feature instead.

I don't think it's possible, but I saw... some experiments... somewhere around here. :)
That sucks. I always fancied the idea of stun smoke grenades like in Xcom Apoc or toxic grenades.

Not possible right now. It was requested multiple times though. (AP grenades, yay)
Well, it would be a cool feature. Also, plasma grenades.

Probably not. I can't see much of use for this though, unless for beam weapons as explained above.
It's just a less effective incendiary effect. It would just set things on fire instead of causing explosions and spawning pools of fire like the vanilla effect. Something I would give to the Auto-Cannon Incendiary Ammo.

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Re: Damage Type Options
« Reply #5 on: July 08, 2014, 02:09:48 am »
I would like to have a "Berserk Smoke Grenade" and a "Panic Smoke Grenade" with smoke effect and area effect that lasts over time (also a "Berserk Grenade" and a "Panic Grenade" with instant effect), and all the derived ammunition possible.

And what about Mind Control grenades and ammunition types.  8)

I must stop now!  :o

"Healing Grenade", "Stimulant Grenade", "Pain killer Grenade", etc., I want them all...  :D

Offline Chiko

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Re: Damage Type Options
« Reply #6 on: July 08, 2014, 02:17:37 am »
The Berserk Smoke Grenade sounds awesome. Imagine all those aliens shooting each other. Those are all good examples for this kind of feature.

Offline yrizoud

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Re: Damage Type Options
« Reply #7 on: July 08, 2014, 02:21:11 am »
These are nice ideas - I'm sure the future lies on having data at the intersection of armors and damages : for ex. electric * civilian armor = 0% damaging + 100% stunning, electric * cyberdisc = 50% damaging + 50% stunning

But don't hold your hopes up for multiple types of smoke, because the game currently handles 2 physical effects, fire and smoke, and each of them has many rules that control their behavior - I can't imagine a generic system handling several types of smoke, and especially how they interact with each other... (ie if a small smoke grenade explodes "on" a cloud of dense stunning gas, what is supposed to remain?)

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Re: Damage Type Options
« Reply #8 on: July 08, 2014, 02:51:33 am »
@ Chiko

The Berserk Smoke Grenade sounds awesome. Imagine all those aliens shooting each other. Those are all good examples for this kind of feature.

Yes, a lot of tactic possibilities and a lot of fun.  :D

@ yrizoud

These are nice ideas - I'm sure the future lies on having data at the intersection of armors and damages : for ex. electric * civilian armor = 0% damaging + 100% stunning, electric * cyberdisc = 50% damaging + 50% stunning

Now that OpenXCom has reached 1.0, the engine should evolve.
As long there will be adds/changes to the engine, there will be modders. If the engine "freeze", then nothing more to experiment/add, modders will leave.

I can't imagine a generic system handling several types of smoke, and especially how they interact with each other... (ie if a small smoke grenade explodes "on" a cloud of dense stunning gas, what is supposed to remain?)

Both effects remain active (each effect respectively with its own duration).

Offline Chiko

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Re: Damage Type Options
« Reply #9 on: July 08, 2014, 04:46:04 am »
But don't hold your hopes up for multiple types of smoke, because the game currently handles 2 physical effects, fire and smoke, and each of them has many rules that control their behavior - I can't imagine a generic system handling several types of smoke, and especially how they interact with each other... (ie if a small smoke grenade explodes "on" a cloud of dense stunning gas, what is supposed to remain?)
Yup. Not the first time I make a suggestion for a game. But only the devs know if a suggestion is worth implementing or not.
What you describe is the current engine limitation. This idea suggests for that limitation to be extended.

Both effects remain active (each effect respectively with its own duration).
That or maybe make it so the later "replaces" the smoke already in the air, like it happens in Xcom Apoc. Having the effects exist in the same tile until their duration is over sounds better, though.

Offline AndO3131

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Re: Damage Type Options
« Reply #10 on: July 08, 2014, 08:31:30 am »
I wrote some code allowing to define new damage types in ruleset I haven't tested it much, but it only allows for new damage types and more damage modifiers on armors. @Chico's ideas
-Bleeding: Can the weapon, regardless of damage type, cause fatal wounds?
-Stunning: Does 10% of the damage caused by the weapon turn into Stun damage?
-Smoke: Does the weapon spawns a smoke that does the weapon's damage type each turn?
-Explosion: Does the weapon spawns an explosion that does the weapon's damage type?
-Incendiary: Can the weapon, regardless of damage type, spawn fires in any tile?
-Burning: Can the weapon spawn fires in burnable tiles/objects/units only?
would require more coding. Maybe someday...

Offline El Yahpo

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Re: Damage Type Options
« Reply #11 on: July 09, 2014, 11:42:08 pm »
I would like to have a "Berserk Smoke Grenade" and a "Panic Smoke Grenade" with smoke effect and area effect that lasts over time (also a "Berserk Grenade" and a "Panic Grenade" with instant effect), and all the derived ammunition possible.
The panic and berserk grenade should be the same thing as long as we don't have a dedicated "Berserk" psi option *hint*

The Berserk Smoke Grenade sounds awesome. Imagine all those aliens shooting each other. Those are all good examples for this kind of feature.
And then you forget which smoke is berserk smoke as you march your soldiers right into it  8)

+1 for this whole thread
« Last Edit: July 09, 2014, 11:45:08 pm by El Yahpo »

Offline Sturm

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Re: Damage Type Options
« Reply #12 on: July 10, 2014, 12:06:23 am »
Speaking of damage, which source file contains calculation for damage?