No, It is not enough;
Lets take a official test video taken last month: max fire speed, it still takes more than a half second to go through the Hit/Impact animation (and none of the recent nightly builds made it any faster), significantly slower than in the videos I linked earlier, where the hit animation barely takes a fraction of a second.
Sure, the difference in time may not seem that significant, but it adds up, and after years of playing X-COM through DosBox and Extender OpenXcom feels sluggish just because of the hit animations.
EDIT: Lets an earlier official test video: FPS limit is uncapped for demonstration purposes and everything in Battlescape that scales with CPU speed is ridiculously and unpractically fast. Everything except the projectile hit animations, and they stick out like a sore thumb, and that cannot be changed neither in the in-game options nor in options.cfg.