So, I was doing some math to try and figure out how to balance some of my mod's weapons against the original, and I found something kind of strange. The average damage dealt per time unit is far, far lower for aimed shots than it is for snap shots and auto shots.
I define "average damage dealt per time unit" as "accuracy * damage * number of shots / %time units." I understand that accuracy isn't really your chance of hitting, but some sort of modifier that defines the possible angle of your shot, but I figure that at some distance (particularly far away) the listed accuracy is pretty close to being your actual chances of hitting. Your *actual* chances of hitting improve the closer you get to your target. Correct?
Soldier skill is ignored, because it's just a multiplier on accuracy, and if you multiply both the snap and aimed shots by the same number, the ratio between them will stay the same.
So, with that in mind, some examples:
Shot: Damage: Acc: # att Avg.Dam/att TUs Av. Dam/100% TU
Aimed 30 1.1 1 33 0.8 41.3
Snap 30 0.6 1 18 0.25 72.0
Laser Pistol
Aimed 46 0.68 1 31.28 0.55 56.9
Snap 46 0.4 1 18.4 0.2 92.0
Laser Rifle
Aimed 60 1 1 60 0.5 120.0
Snap 60 0.65 1 39 0.25 156.0
Heavy Plasma
Aimed 115 1.1 1 126.5 0.6 210.8
Snap 115 0.75 1 86.25 0.3 287.5
In every case, the snap shot outperforms the aimed shot in terms of average damage per TU spent. This holds true for every weapon in the game, not just the four examples I list above. And at closer ranges, where your actual chance of hitting is far higher than the accuracy listed on your weapon, the snap shot only gets better!
Why is this? Is the snap shot supposed to be balanced against the aimed shot because it uses fewer bullets? Then why are the ammoless weapons like the laser still lopsided? When making my mod, I'm considering balancing the snap shot against the aimed shot by buffing the aimed shot or nerfing the snap shot, but before I start making design decisions based on math, I want to make sure I fully understand why math works out the way it does.
I'm sure with all the analysis that takes place here, somebody has noticed this before. Could they explain it to me?