
So it's been merely a few days since I've discovered the OpenXcom, and I was delighted to see the impressive moddability of this project, which, combined with UFO's timeless mechanics... well, I'll better get to the point:
I was watching my friend storming an UFO with Ryskeliini's Magnum in one hand and a Stun Rod in the other, and an idea occured to me: what if I could make a mod which converts UFO into a Pirate-themed game? Before you stop reading, forget wooden ships and think more Rogue Trader

And I realized how many elements of the original are already in place and require only minor tweaking to achieve the desired effect...
So, here are the general, rough ideas so far:
- As a poor, but ambitious Privateer you run an aerospace pirate operation from your Secret Hideout.
- Your goal is to, well, get rich! And when rich enough, you might be even able to seize legitimate, political power...
- You have no funding. The only initial way to earn money is to Plunder!
- You hunt and shoot down civilian vessels, rob them blind and preferably take valuable people alive for ransom or entertainment.
- Your activities generate Terror Points, which allow you to earn Protection Funds (ie funding) from the scared countries.
- In time you might want to tackle high-risk military vessels to plunder technology and advance your pirating ways to higher levels.
- Pick your prey sensibly. Your old boat can take a lot of punishment, but it's really slow. Your fighters can hunt couriers and passenger craft, but they won't be able to stand up to warships! Money is tight and vessels are expensive.
- Eventually, the forces hostile to private enterprise are going to raid your facilities. Prepare a bloodbath for them!
- Be wary of Security Conferences in major cities! If you allow the politicians to soothe the public into a false sense of security, your Protection Funds are going to dwindle! Strike fast and hard and show that accidents can happen to anyone!
- Finally, you are not alone - other privateers might establish their own Hideouts on your turf. Show them who's the boss before they hijack Protection Funds that are rightfully yours!
So far, I've made some graphics for inventory screens:

(all of these armors are starting gear, but 2-4 have to be bought and they're expensive)
1. Unarmored
(basic armor set to 20 to provide a real chance of basic weapons to fail to do damage; explosives will be adjusted accordingly)
This default gear offers moral protection at best, but it's weightless and provides +30 Energy and +15 TU boost. 20 armor on all facings.
2. Assassin
Provides only a token increase in protection, but due to advanced electronics it boosts your Firing Accuracy by 5 and Reactions by 15. It also provides a slight Energy and TU boost (+10, +5). The armor increase is decent on the frontal facing, but almost non-existent on other facings.
3. Assault
Slightly better armored and considerably heavier, this armor is equipped with a hoverpack for maximum mobility. It increases your TU's and Energy by 15 both. Improportionally high increase in Bottom armor.
4. Defender
The heaviest and best armored of the lot, but no stat bonuses. Armor is strongest from the front, weakest from the rear and the bottom.