
Author Topic: Make the AI pickup items on the ground  (Read 11011 times)

Offline CoolKid

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Make the AI pickup items on the ground
« on: November 29, 2013, 10:07:04 pm »
Hello, My first suggestion.

Can i Suggest the AI for picking up bomb or weapon on the ground. Because people think when they gonna get mindcontroled they will drop weapon and bomb (if the AI pickup that, people gonna get surprised and horribly murdered by their own guy ;))

and if people are not droping items but they throw it but not too far away about 4~6 tiles away the mind controled unit will go there and pick it up and if bomb include in that square the AI will do just activate the bomb 0 turn and drop it, because it will blow up next turn (and alien will say: "Oh Beautiful" 8)).

The total TU consumed are range of the item + pickup 8 TUs+ activate the bomb 50% max TUs + drop 8 TUs.

But if people just drop the weapon and bomb it will be more efficient if the mind controled unit pickup those items, activate the bomb 0 turn, drop the bomb and shot the other guys.

This will make people think the only thing will save their own guy is throwing weapon and bomb far far away or throw those items to the other guy and that will consume 50% of their TUs.

This will make psionic especially ethereals are more deadly. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA ;D

And for the aliens when they are panicked or mind controled they will try to pickup weapon on the ground on the next turn.

Also make the aliens pick up nearby bomb when no X-COM soldier on sight and not to overweight them.

« Last Edit: November 30, 2013, 02:59:10 am by CoolKid »

Offline kharille

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Re: Make the AI pickup items on the ground
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2013, 04:55:05 am »
This would work.  I'm in the final stages of my xcom game and its too easy to disarm them.  Maybe making the effort to have soldiers pick up the weapon would help.

Offline Warboy1982

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Offline CoolKid

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Re: Make the AI pickup items on the ground
« Reply #3 on: November 30, 2013, 12:37:01 pm »
From [FIXED] Battlescape: Disarmed aliens don't move Section

If you don't like this you can just change the ruleset.

How to do that? ??? Please tell me!  :)

And for this

I don't understand what's the point in making the aliens theoretically capable of picking up weapons while they actually never pick up in practice...
I thought we are making a replica of the original WITHOUT its bugs and disabilities. (that's the reason why we don't have the 80 items limit, right?)


And this

we ARE making a replica, and in the original, the aliens didn't pick up items, we can't say for 100% sure this was a bug and not a design choice, see also: containment limits.

Why not try implement that in Advanced Options? Please because this is so important! This is about enjoyment of playing the new X-COM :)

And one more thing is this one

a fair compromise here might be to add YET ANOTHER option to make the comparison >0 rather than >5, that way they'd at least pick up weapons they dropped due to panic/unconsciousness if it's on the same tile.

It would be nice if aliens capable to searching weapons on the ground ;).
« Last Edit: November 30, 2013, 01:05:52 pm by CoolKid »

Offline Warboy1982

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Re: Make the AI pickup items on the ground
« Reply #4 on: November 30, 2013, 03:49:52 pm »
xcom1ruleset.rul is a standard yml text file in human readable format, simply find the fields for attraction and adjust it to your heart's content.

Offline CoolKid

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Re: Make the AI pickup items on the ground
« Reply #5 on: November 30, 2013, 05:08:11 pm »
Ok this kinda confused me :P. Am i suppose to change value to >1 or 6, which one is better? And if i changed that are the aliens still shy (no enemy on sight) or not? And im affraid they will prioritize picking up something other than weapon. Because if i change value to 6 on both weapons and bombs which i really want to do that and if aliens not shy and they pick up the bomb while X-Com soldier is on their sight they might be wasting that turn.

EDIT: It seem solved when i change value to 6 for weapons and 4 for bombs. Im such a klutz. But im still occasionally see alien didnt do anything on their turn when no weapon on their hand.
« Last Edit: November 30, 2013, 05:27:33 pm by CoolKid »

Offline Warboy1982

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Re: Make the AI pickup items on the ground
« Reply #6 on: November 30, 2013, 07:42:54 pm »
in a nutshell:

n = (attraction value) - 5

where n is the maximum distance between item and alien for him to want to pick it up.


attraction value: 4 = alien will need to be holding this item in order to decide it's worth picking up.
attraction value: 5 = alien will have to be standing on this item in order to pick it up.
attraction value: 9 = alien will try to move to and grab this item if it is 4 or fewer tiles away.

Offline CoolKid

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Re: Make the AI pickup items on the ground
« Reply #7 on: November 30, 2013, 08:36:00 pm »
I got it! Thanks for the information :).

But this condition is really bugging me:

no, they only try to pick up a weapon under the following conditions:

1: either they have no weapon, or no ammo for their weapon.
2: they cannot be seen by any enemy.
3: they have enough space in their inventory to actually carry it.
4: they are not a terrorist.

Especially number 2 that mean alien never ever pickup items when enemy see them. Am i right? ;)

So how to ignore the condition number 2?
« Last Edit: December 01, 2013, 12:28:25 am by CoolKid »

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Re: Make the AI pickup items on the ground
« Reply #8 on: December 08, 2013, 12:17:08 am »
Give each alien more weapons. I don't know if this would help any though. I just thought of this so it'll cost your more TUs to un-arm the alien, and also if they panic, drop rifle, and return to normal, they may no pick up the plasma rifle, but they'll switch to the plasma pistol you added as a back up for them.
« Last Edit: December 08, 2013, 12:23:57 am by WeOwnTheNight »

Offline CoolKid

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Re: Make the AI pickup items on the ground
« Reply #9 on: December 08, 2013, 08:49:49 am »
Interesting idea! I might try that. Although its need trial and error until im happy with the result.

Thanks! This might work :).

Offline Ajaja

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Re: Make the AI pickup items on the ground
« Reply #10 on: May 15, 2014, 01:35:22 am »
they only try to pick up a weapon under the following conditions:
1: either they have no weapon, or no ammo for their weapon.
2: they cannot be seen by any enemy.
3: they have enough space in their inventory to actually carry it.
4: they are not a terrorist.
5:  items with "droppedOnAlienTurn: true" attribute only
Tested with this ruleset:
Code: [Select]
    attraction: 20
    attraction: 20
    attraction: 20
    attraction: 20
    attraction: 20
    attraction: 20
    attraction: 20
    attraction: 20
    attraction: 20
  - type: STR_STUN_BOMB
    attraction: 20
    attraction: 20

Is it possible to teach AI to pickup any items, not droppedOnAlienTurn only?

Offline Danny

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Re: Make the AI pickup items on the ground
« Reply #11 on: May 15, 2014, 09:15:25 am »
Another thing grenades should have to be at least 1 or 2 turns active.
So aliens could potentially throw them back. XD

Offline Warboy1982

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Re: Make the AI pickup items on the ground
« Reply #12 on: May 15, 2014, 11:12:41 am »
1: why bother looking for a weapon when there's a perfectly good one in your hand that costs 0 TUs to pick up.
2: they don't dare try to move to pick up an item if they are spotted, because they know they will instantly be reaction fired upon.
3: obviously.
4: terrorists don't have hands, and never drop their weapons.
5: they only consider items dropped on the alien turn to prevent the player trying to corral them with an extremely attractive item. aliens are too smart to walk into traps you've set up for them.
6: who primes for anything but 0?

Offline Ajaja

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Re: Make the AI pickup items on the ground
« Reply #13 on: May 15, 2014, 12:59:49 pm »
1: why bother looking for a weapon when there's a perfectly good one in your hand that costs 0 TUs to pick up.
2: they don't dare try to move to pick up an item if they are spotted, because they know they will instantly be reaction fired upon.
5: they only consider items dropped on the alien turn to prevent the player trying to corral them with an extremely attractive item. aliens are too smart to walk into traps you've set up for them.
5 with  1 and 2 is  useless. If unit does not have weapon (p.1) than he MUST try to pickup any useful weapon, even in trap (but p.2 helps to avoid traps).
Now I can take mind control and disarm alien, he does not pickup this weapon never. And he does not pickup weapons of other killed aliens too.
Or I can disarm my soldier after he was taken under alien control. And he does not pickup weapon next time and will be useless for aliens. (BTW, p.2  is not good for this case too).