
Author Topic: Possible New Faction: Terrorist Organization known as Aeon Alliance  (Read 6386 times)

Offline KiethSomataw99

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I thought that there could be a mod that adds a new enemy faction: a human terrorist organization known as the Aeon Alliance, rivals of XCOM. They in some ways resemble EXALT in XCOM Enemy Within, as they have sought cooperation with the aliens while steering clear of them while undermining XCOM. However, the Aeon are generally more violent and are of a more brutal agenda than EXALT as they sometimes would decide to launch an attack on a major city, lashing out at innocent civilians there and if enough Aeon Craft was shot down, assault an XCOM base. They claim themselves to be cast out from humanity and see the aliens as their salvation and the rest of the human race their enemy. Of course, Aeons share a similar behavior to aliens. At the beginning of the game, after you place your first base, the Aeon place their first base in a country not containing an XCOM Base.

Aeon soldiers are similar to XCOM soldiers, and share hair and skin color for both male and female. However, Aeon soldiers are dressed in Red sleeveless shirts and black pants and shoes for no armor; and black boots and gloves, red pants and shirt with black armor pads for equivalence of personal armor. For power suits and flying suits, Aeon soldiers wear red colored power suits with a black helmet of different shape.

Aeon soldiers are statistically similar to XCOM soldiers, and mid-game deploy psionic soldiers. The Aeon uses generally the same weapons XCOM uses, conventional weapons early on, laser weapons after some time, then plasma weapons late game. They also use various grenades and explosives and medkits. Aeon soldiers generally are affected by fatal wounds the same way XCOM soldiers are. Overall, Aeon troops are generally trained to the standards of XCOM soldiers and their primary weakness among the alien enemies is their bravery; after all they are human.

Aeon Bases are generally composed of the same modules as XCOM bases, randomly generated during XCOM raid on them. For that, attacking an Aeon base resembles XCOM base defense, but with XCOM soldiers being the attack and the Aeon soldiers the defender.

Aeon craft from weakest to strongest:
Heavy Fighter
Advanced Gunship
Assault Transport

Aeon missions include:
Hacking (craft lands near XCOM base to slow down research while landed)
Propoganda (spread propoganda in a country to pressure it to reduce funding)
Diplomacy (attempt to convince a sponsor to sign a pact with the aliens and withdraw from the project)
Harrassment (launch a terror attack on a major city)
Expansion (set up a new Aeon Base)
Assault (attack an XCOM base)

If the Aeon's last base is taken out, the Aeon will be officially wiped out and will no longer be able to conduct operations for the rest of the game.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2016, 02:22:17 am by KiethSomataw99 »

Offline shinr

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Re: Possible New Faction: Terrorist Organization known as Aeon Alliance
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2013, 09:36:34 am »
Why reinvent the wheel when the traitor humans can just be the very early Cult of Sirius?

Offline Danny

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Re: Possible New Faction: Terrorist Organization known as Aeon Alliance
« Reply #2 on: November 22, 2013, 03:45:25 pm »
Why reinvent the wheel when the traitor humans can just be the very early Cult of Sirius?

This and personally I think the first alien war shouldn't have "traitors" just yet... :\
Maybe a rival organisation in fighting the aliens and "battling" them would be in a diplomatic way.
They are rivals for Xcom in who gets to go in and recover alien crash sites and such. If they are very successful Xcom gets a lot less loot to research, use or sell. ;)

Offline Hythlodaeus

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Re: Possible New Faction: Terrorist Organization known as Aeon Alliance
« Reply #3 on: November 22, 2013, 11:54:56 pm »
I'd rather have cultists. In fact, there's already some material made for such a mod, and some very interesting map blueprints made by Ryskellini:

Offline Svanh

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Re: Possible New Faction: Terrorist Organization known as Aeon Alliance
« Reply #4 on: November 23, 2013, 04:45:59 am »
I've also made a mod adding cult missions to the game. You can find it here and here.

Offline Hobbit Lord

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Re: Possible New Faction: Terrorist Organization known as Aeon Alliance
« Reply #5 on: November 28, 2013, 07:36:14 pm »
I'd rather have cultists. In fact, there's already some material made for such a mod, and some very interesting map blueprints made by Ryskellini:

Love this!

Reminds me of the "Invaders" episode where they come across an alien 'school'. Basically a 'welcome' point for new aliens recently arrived on Earth where they learn how to mimic humans

Obviously in X-Com they don't shapeshift, the idea of 'ordinary'-looking rural environments + alien conspiracy is great

In this case it would probably be helping out crashed/lost aliens until they can be picked up, sent back to Cydonia, like allied pilots shot down in occupied territory during WW2

11    "The Ivy Curtain"    March 21, 1967
When charter pilot Barney Cahill (Jack Warden) is forced to make an emergency landing in a storm, one of his passengers is injured. To Cahill's puzzlement, the "man" is not in pain or bleeding. The passengers take the pilot with them to their destination: Midlands Academy. The head of the institution, Dr. Reynard (Murray Matheson), offers him a great deal of money to forget what he has seen and keep on flying in new pupils. Cahill accepts. David Vincent, following a familiar Invader (David Sheiner) he has encountered by chance, ends up at the same campus, and finds it to be a training center where newcomers to Earth are trained to mimic humans and exploit their emotions. Vincent is spotted, but manages to get away. When he contacts Cahill, the pilot reluctantly agrees to bring his next batch of passengers to Vincent and waiting police. However, Cahill's much younger wife Stacy (Susan Oliver), eager for the money, warns the Invaders, unaware of their true nature. The aliens intercept and kill the policemen. Vincent warns Cahill by radio that the airport is now under their control; Cahill, realizing he has been betrayed by his own wife, crashes his airplane into Midlands Academy.

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Re: Possible New Faction: Terrorist Organization known as Aeon Alliance
« Reply #6 on: December 08, 2013, 12:42:17 am »
Freaking nice picture! When are we getting that one?! Reminds me of a gi joe issue I read years ago. It had cult-looking hooded cobras scheming in a small town diner basement. One of my favorite issues too. I couldn't find the screen, but here's the summary:
"Rock N Roll reunites with former G.I. Joe teammates, Mutt with Junkyard, Alpine, and Bazooka in the small town of Delhi Hills. Expecting a quiet weekend of rest and relaxation, they soon discover that the local tavern they are visiting is actually an underground meeting hall for Cobra sleeper agents."

Offline KiethSomataw99

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Re: Possible New Faction: Terrorist Organization known as Aeon Alliance
« Reply #7 on: December 08, 2013, 04:54:54 am »
Perhaps on the score screen after a battle with the Aeons, the outcomes would read:

Aeon Craft Recovered: XCOM defeats all Aeon Soldiers at craft Recovery
Aeon Craft Not Recovered: XCOM retreats from Aeon Craft Recovery
Aeon Harassment Continues: XCOM retreats from an Aeon Terror Site
Aeons Defeated: Aeon forces defeated in Harassment mission
Aeon Base is Still Intact: XCOM forces retreat from Aeon Base Assailt
Aeon Base is Destroyed: Victory against Aeon Alliance in their base
Aeon Alliance Wiped Out!: XCOM forces are victorious at the last Aeon Base

Score list would have:

Aeon Operatives Killed: how many Aeon soldiers you've killed
Aeon Operatives Arrested: how many Aeon soldiers that were stunned by the end of the battle, more points than killed but don't appear at base (they are handed over to authorities)
Civilians Killed by Aeon Operatives: how many civilians were killed by Aeon Operatives in Harassment mission
Aeon Equipment Recovered: how many pieces of equipment used by Aeons that were recovered after the battle