
Author Topic: air combat - just thinking about possibilities  (Read 10007 times)

Offline kharille

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air combat - just thinking about possibilities
« on: September 18, 2013, 06:57:58 pm »
I suppose this is not quite so related to openxcom.  As the game is, it would be hard to introduce some decent air combat and what we have is a relatively simplistic system where the human craft are always in pursuit.  If only some minigame could be introduced that would be much more effective than the 12' version.

Maybe turn based, air to air combat... I know this might make a totally new game in itself, but its something that could've been implemented, and implemented well.


Offline moriarty

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Re: air combat - just thinking about possibilities
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2013, 11:34:16 am »
turn based air-to-air combat... I'd really like to see that (if only to try it and find that it's too complicated... but at least I would like to try if it is feasible) :)

the mechanic was proposed before, see here:,929.0.html

I even went so far as to create a battlescape-usable interceptor sprite. if we find some more people willing to work on this, we could make a working prototype to see if it can be used :)

Offline luke83

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Re: air combat - just thinking about possibilities
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2013, 11:53:38 am »
turn based air-to-air combat... I'd really like to see that (if only to try it and find that it's too complicated... but at least I would like to try if it is feasible) :)

the mechanic was proposed before, see here:,929.0.html

I even went so far as to create a battlescape-usable interceptor sprite. if we find some more people willing to work on this, we could make a working prototype to see if it can be used :)

this will happen one day, even if its just to prove it dont work like you said :P

Offline kharille

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Re: air combat - just thinking about possibilities
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2013, 01:09:46 pm »
Just another thought, maybe as they take damage they'll start slowing down.  Minor feature, not sure if its worth investing time in it, but it would be a more accurate representation.

Oh, and what about being shot down whilst 'very high' as opposed to 'flying low'?  Is there already some system in place?  Perhaps  statistically it would be more intact if you take them out whilst they are flying low?

Offline MKSheppard

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Re: air combat - just thinking about possibilities
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2013, 08:46:07 pm »
Something that could be added, which would help make a differentiation between "Terrain alien alloy" craft capable of 4000~ Knots and advanced elerium fuelled craft such as Lightning (3100 kts) and Firestorm (4200 kts) is variable top speed depending on altitude.

Currently, we have the following altitudes:


Which as far as I know, don't do anything other than being for fluff. It's a bit jarring to see a hypersonic plane chasing an UFO at "low" altitude at 4000 knots.

Changing the game to have variable top speeds according to altitude might be worthwhile; the code could be like this in rulesets:

speedMax: 4000 = Flat performance envelope, irrespective of altitude. Default setting

speedMax_vLow: = Maximum speed at Very Low Altitude
speedMax_Low:  = Maximum speed at Low Altitude
speedMax_High:  = Maximum speed at High Altitude
speedMax_vHigh: = Maximum speed at Very High Altitude

Attached is the SR-71 performance envelope. You can see that at "on the deck", SR-71 performance is subsonic; and that she only goes supersonic around 20,000 feet; and in order to go to Mach 3.0 or higher, she has to be in excess of 70,000 feet altitude.

Some obvious things you could do with different maximum speeds: Make it so that human and slightly human (alien alloy) aerocraft are limited by the thermal limit -- the higher they go, the faster; but Alien UFOs are pretty much immune to the thermal limit; because they can form "shields" with their advanced gravity wave control through UFO power source/UFO Navigation to travel at maximum speed irrespective of the altitude.

This could lead to interesting UFO evasion options -- they could try escaping XCOM by "going to the deck" to outrun them; but this has a drawback -- damage at lower altitudes is much more severe than at high altitudes -- if you're travelling at 950 MPH (Mach 1.25) at virtually sea level, the dynamic pressure is approximately 2,300 pounds per square foot; whereas if you're travelling at 3,300 MPH (Mach 5.0) at 80,000 feet, dynamic pressure is approximately 1,000~ pounds per square foot.

This could have interesting implications if the UFO gravity wave control was...interrupted by laser blasts.  :o

Offline kharille

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Re: air combat - just thinking about possibilities
« Reply #5 on: September 20, 2013, 03:14:16 am »
Interesting stuff.  Maybe that's how the xcom new craft can attain higher speeds.

Maybe we need more interaction, like when a cluster of alien craft show up and you attack one of them the whole group responds by attacking your interceptor.  Imagine a screen with 4 alien ufo's vs your interceptor....  Makes it more difficult to stop the aliens doing what they do.

Offline Yankes

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Re: air combat - just thinking about possibilities
« Reply #6 on: September 20, 2013, 08:27:38 pm »
Something that could be added, which would help make a differentiation between "Terrain alien alloy" craft capable of 4000~ Knots and advanced elerium fuelled craft such as Lightning (3100 kts) and Firestorm (4200 kts) is variable top speed depending on altitude.

Currently, we have the following altitudes:


Which as far as I know, don't do anything other than being for fluff. It's a bit jarring to see a hypersonic plane chasing an UFO at "low" altitude at 4000 knots.

Changing the game to have variable top speeds according to altitude might be worthwhile; the code could be like this in rulesets:

speedMax: 4000 = Flat performance envelope, irrespective of altitude. Default setting

speedMax_vLow: = Maximum speed at Very Low Altitude
speedMax_Low:  = Maximum speed at Low Altitude
speedMax_High:  = Maximum speed at High Altitude
speedMax_vHigh: = Maximum speed at Very High Altitude

Attached is the SR-71 performance envelope. You can see that at "on the deck", SR-71 performance is subsonic; and that she only goes supersonic around 20,000 feet; and in order to go to Mach 3.0 or higher, she has to be in excess of 70,000 feet altitude.

Some obvious things you could do with different maximum speeds: Make it so that human and slightly human (alien alloy) aerocraft are limited by the thermal limit -- the higher they go, the faster; but Alien UFOs are pretty much immune to the thermal limit; because they can form "shields" with their advanced gravity wave control through UFO power source/UFO Navigation to travel at maximum speed irrespective of the altitude.

This could lead to interesting UFO evasion options -- they could try escaping XCOM by "going to the deck" to outrun them; but this has a drawback -- damage at lower altitudes is much more severe than at high altitudes -- if you're travelling at 950 MPH (Mach 1.25) at virtually sea level, the dynamic pressure is approximately 2,300 pounds per square foot; whereas if you're travelling at 3,300 MPH (Mach 5.0) at 80,000 feet, dynamic pressure is approximately 1,000~ pounds per square foot.

This could have interesting implications if the UFO gravity wave control was...interrupted by laser blasts.  :o
I think it should be opposite, UFO should be slower on sea level. If we drop this "shields" concepts, UFOs should have worse flight properties than human air craft (because they are SPACE crafts :>). This will fix too problem why we can even catch up them.

Another thing that this create is spot for craft like SR-71 with less firepower but biggest top speed on max altitude.

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: air combat - just thinking about possibilities
« Reply #7 on: April 27, 2014, 02:46:11 pm »
I understand that posting here is an exercise in threadomancy, but the discussion is so interesting, yet it died so abruptly. Yet it's a feature that may actually prove to be on of the game's most impressive features! It was so for the Xenonauts, so why try here as well? (I know, I know - 1.0 comes first, but it's not like we can't work on this in the background.)

While making sprites etc. is neat, I believe one should start with coding the environment first. A simple system, a direct clone of the battlescape mechanics, would be enough for a start. We don't really need any fancy sprites either, it would be enough to have a "radar screen" with green and red dots, accompanied by tiny pictures of planes and UFOs. If this works out, we could expand it (in terms of looks and combat mechanics), but I believe we shouldn't be trying to do everything at once.


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Re: air combat - just thinking about possibilities
« Reply #8 on: April 27, 2014, 04:08:57 pm »
I'm in every possible way against "advanced" air combat. It doesn't meant to be anyhow long part of game. XCOM1-2 are about tactical combat, about throwing grenades and covering around a fence. Not flying or making aero manuevers. It's XCOM INTERCEPTOR, which utterly failed.
Xenonauts is poor example.
Simple gameplay should stay simple.

Hey, why this forum in 4 years didn't even get good polling mod? It cries for it!
« Last Edit: April 27, 2014, 04:10:45 pm by volutar »

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: air combat - just thinking about possibilities
« Reply #9 on: April 27, 2014, 04:56:41 pm »
The current air combat mode isn't "simple", it's kinda lame.

Sure, it's a small element of the game, so nobody has ever complained. But it's hardly good; there's no tactics, no flexibility, no nothing. I understand that's not what X-Com is about, but this element is in the game, so it should be there properly.

You're saying Xenonauts is a bad example. Well, it's not. Why the game is lacking in many respects, the air combat system kicks ass.
Another example is the X-Com: Extraterrestrials, where we have RTS-style air combat on the globe itself. While not perfect, it adds a lot of depth to the game and honestly makes it more engaging. Also immersive.

Offline kharille

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Re: air combat - just thinking about possibilities
« Reply #10 on: April 27, 2014, 05:47:49 pm »
Just thinking...   maybe there should be more differences between the different ranges, like in dog fighting, most weapons are useless, aliens have a harder time targeting whereas your cannon can be employed under 'dogfighting' range...  Maybe dogfighting allows more use of a soldiers skill whereas any rookie can hit them with long range target lock.....


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Re: air combat - just thinking about possibilities
« Reply #11 on: April 27, 2014, 07:12:05 pm »
Adding depth to interception stage would also require "quick battle" button, which is much more lame than vanilla approach.
I don't see anything bad about vanilla dogfights. It's as much detailed, as it needed to be for this game. Pilots are fighting themselves, command center doesn't take control over the aircraft. They just telling exactly what is implemented. Engage/disangage.
I'm insisting, that most people won't appreciate altering fight mode, because it will make game even more longer/dull/monotonous. Hell, some of people are quitting xcom because they don't have good amount of elerium left after ufo crash (almost 0), and just got tired after 10 pointless missions and just loosing people. "Deep" air battle will annoy after these 10 battles.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2014, 07:14:01 pm by volutar »

Offline moriarty

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Re: air combat - just thinking about possibilities
« Reply #12 on: April 27, 2014, 09:13:57 pm »
I think it's okay to resurrect a thread every now and then, especially after the forum experienced a huge increase in activity between then and now.

BUT: The tactical battlescape doesn't lend itself well to the high-speed dogfights that the interception represents, I'm afraid. I've been thinking about this a lot, and I really don't see how this could be implemented as a full tactical air combat system.

what I would still like to see is a battlescape-based damage allocation system. instead of actually fighting the dogfight in the battlescape, the battlescape would be used to simulate the impacts of the various weapons on the combatants. for each shot that connects in the dogfight "mini-game", a corresponding shot hits the craft in a "virtual battlescape".

why? because in this way, internal damage can result from the shots, and it would actually matter which weapon you use!

the game would check against various scenarios that can lead to a crash, for example (numbers open for discussion):
- more than 50% of Power Sources destroyed
- more than 50% of Navigation units destroyed
- more than 50% of Hull destroyed
- more than 50% of Navigators killed or unconscious

while Avalanche missiles or even Fusion Balls will blow away large portions of the hull and for example two lucky hits could "surgically" destroy two Power Sources on a Battle Ship, the large explosions are also more likely to kill crew members, destroy salvageable material and possibly cause the Power Source on a smaller UFO to explode, destroying much of the loot.

Cannons and Laser Cannons, on the other hand, would eat away the hull - much more likely to preserve the loot. or a lucky double hit with a Cannon (first hit punctures the hull, second hit kills the Navigator) could give you an almost-intact UFO.

oh, and the damaged UFO would of course need to be preserved in memory, because that same damage needs to be transferred to the crash site UFO. plus perhaps some impact damage in case of a full crash.

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: air combat - just thinking about possibilities
« Reply #13 on: April 27, 2014, 09:58:08 pm »
First of all, this is more of a brainstorming session than me proposing specific resolutions here; I just feel that air combat can become much more interesting somehow. I do not know which approach would be best, but I guess they're at least worthy of discussion.

Adding depth to interception stage would also require "quick battle" button, which is much more lame than vanilla approach.

Maybe so. Sounds convincing to me.

I don't see anything bad about vanilla dogfights. It's as much detailed, as it needed to be for this game. Pilots are fighting themselves, command center doesn't take control over the aircraft. They just telling exactly what is implemented. Engage/disangage.

Okay, they're not exactly "bad", but they feel really lacking in depth when compared to the ground combat. I haven't felt this way before UNIMOD for UFO: Extraterrestrials, and to lesser degree after Xenonauts (which was indeed too hardcore and frustrating in this regard, just like you explained below), but now this feels really shallow and disappointing to me.
It's not just about control of the battle, but the general "flatness". All fighter planes can have two weapons - no more, no less. All fighters use exactly the same weapons, regardless their engineering principles. And so on.

I'm insisting, that most people won't appreciate altering fight mode, because it will make game even more longer/dull/monotonous. Hell, some of people are quitting xcom because they don't have good amount of elerium left after ufo crash (almost 0), and just got tired after 10 pointless missions and just loosing people. "Deep" air battle will annoy after these 10 battles.

I realize it's a bit of an asshole-y answer, but such people should perhaps find a different game. I'm not talking about air combat here, but getting tired from ground missions means one should take a break from X-Com.
As for the air combat, I remember extremely heated wars on the Xenonauts forum between people who enjoyed it and people who didn't want to see them at all. For X-Com it's not so bad, because dogfights are more symbolic than actually significant to the game; there's no tactics, either your craft is better than the UFO or it isn't. I realize changing this is going to antagonize some people, who would prefer to stick to ground combat, but I don't think we're completely forbidden from at least thinking about it, especially if we pay attention to the fact that some players wouldn't want extended air combat.

BUT: The tactical battlescape doesn't lend itself well to the high-speed dogfights that the interception represents, I'm afraid. I've been thinking about this a lot, and I really don't see how this could be implemented as a full tactical air combat system.

Perhaps you are right. I was never particularly attached to the "duplicate the Battlescape" idea, it just seemed easiest to do.

what I would still like to see is a battlescape-based damage allocation system. instead of actually fighting the dogfight in the battlescape, the battlescape would be used to simulate the impacts of the various weapons on the combatants. for each shot that connects in the dogfight "mini-game", a corresponding shot hits the craft in a "virtual battlescape".

why? because in this way, internal damage can result from the shots, and it would actually matter which weapon you use!

the game would check against various scenarios that can lead to a crash, for example (numbers open for discussion):
- more than 50% of Power Sources destroyed
- more than 50% of Navigation units destroyed
- more than 50% of Hull destroyed
- more than 50% of Navigators killed or unconscious

while Avalanche missiles or even Fusion Balls will blow away large portions of the hull and for example two lucky hits could "surgically" destroy two Power Sources on a Battle Ship, the large explosions are also more likely to kill crew members, destroy salvageable material and possibly cause the Power Source on a smaller UFO to explode, destroying much of the loot.

Cannons and Laser Cannons, on the other hand, would eat away the hull - much more likely to preserve the loot. or a lucky double hit with a Cannon (first hit punctures the hull, second hit kills the Navigator) could give you an almost-intact UFO.

oh, and the damaged UFO would of course need to be preserved in memory, because that same damage needs to be transferred to the crash site UFO. plus perhaps some impact damage in case of a full crash.

Hmm... If I'm not mistaken, it looks a lot like the combat system from Master of Orion II - well more detailed, because we have more ship systems, but also limited to several ships at most. Yeah, it could work.

Or we can make a real-time arena, like in one of those old shooting games :D Or in X-Com: Apocalypse, if you think about it.

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Re: air combat - just thinking about possibilities
« Reply #14 on: April 27, 2014, 10:07:33 pm »
I have nothing against the current dogfight mode, but I also think altitude should have some impact.
We could modify min/max speed per altitude, or maybe human crafts can't go very high so UFO's can outrun them by both speed and altitude.