The area of effect ring looks a tad out of place, but all the same I'd love to have this.
The circle is drawn around last point of trajectory. After call convertVoxelToScreen(), last point always in the top corner of tile. Now i found the cause of the error. I just need add correction to my calculations. Just 8 pixels down.
Yeah it seems useful but the graphics look kinda jarring.
Yes, i know it. Therefore i asked to the forum about this)
I want get ideas about improvements.
Give the ring a little bit of transparency. I think that's all it needs. If it still looks ugly, thin it up.
redv, can you post more pictures on the trajectory? I can barely see it on the second screen. I'd like to see different angles and stuff.
I thought add texture to the circle and change its in cycles. Like rotation or pulsation of the circle. But, in my opinion, even this effect will looks very well, this will looks like as taken from other game.
Static shadow or transparency also not good. I tryed it. Because if it looks good at day, but bad at night.
Now i think about adding pulsation of the shadow of tiles under the ellipse. And try a different thinness of line.
screen035. Throw at night. Trajectory shows good.
screen036. Throw at day. Trajectory shows good too. Because uses two colors for drawing the trajectory.