Author Topic: Question about UFOpedia  (Read 6399 times)

Offline EchoFourDelta

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Question about UFOpedia
« on: September 07, 2013, 07:06:41 am »
I've looked through the forum, and saw a topic on a guy trying to add a new pistol, but it wasn't exactly what I was looking for.

Is there any way to edit existing UFOpedia entries that won't completely break things?

I'd be appreciative of much of anything; thanks in advance, guys.

Offline xracer

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Re: Question about UFOpedia
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2013, 07:37:01 am »
by editing the entries, what do you mean?
adding more fluff, currently you can edit all teh weapons to support more ammo or ad a firing mode so long as you properly edit all the required entries for said weapon, if you simply go to the wapon and then add ammo type but do not define teh ammo the game will brake.

Rule of thumb, when editing existing entries keyword search every place where that entry is mentioned and make sure that all dependents items are present.

here is an example i modified teh rifle entry, add added more ammo types to the weapon

- type: STR_RIFLE
therefore i also need to define thos new ammo and so i did
    size: 0.1
    costBuy: 200
    costSell: 150
    size: 0.1
    costBuy: 200
    costSell: 150
    size: 0.1
    costBuy: 200
    costSell: 150

Then you need to add an UFOpedia and their corresponding category entry for all this
  - id: STR_RIFLE
    type_id: 4
    type_id: 4
    section: STR_NOT_AVAILABLE
    type_id: 4
    section: STR_NOT_AVAILABLE
    type_id: 4
    section: STR_NOT_AVAILABLE
and of course if you are creating an article for it then you need to update the language files.

I hope this is what you mean, if not please clarify what you are trying to say.

Offline EchoFourDelta

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Re: Question about UFOpedia
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2013, 07:38:21 am »
--I was more going to edit some of the existing fluff.--

DISREGARD! I think I found it, in the language file; I can just hack and chop away at that, so long as I keep the formatting correct, yes? Thanks for mentioning that file. Just what I needed.
« Last Edit: September 07, 2013, 08:14:09 am by EchoFourDelta »

Offline xracer

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Re: Question about UFOpedia
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2013, 10:03:35 pm »
yeah to add more fluff simply look at the language file and the string that you want to modify simple enough.

If you don't mind me asking what type of fluff are you trying to add,    i have a little mod that i am working on that requires a lot of fluff :) in addition to modifying the current

Offline EchoFourDelta

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Re: Question about UFOpedia
« Reply #4 on: September 08, 2013, 03:12:09 am »
I'm modifying some of the weapons' descriptions to read a little more "not written by British civilians." It's not a big part of the game, but something that almost makes me explode when I read it...

"This highly accurate sniper rifle has laser guided sights and takes 6.7mm ammunition in 20 round clips."

Every noun and verb in that sentence made me want to break a 2x4 over the head of whoever wrote it.

As an aside, would you or anyone else that happens across this happen to know how or if it's possible to modify the number of shots in a burst? I checked over the wiki's documentation of the base ruleset but didn't find anything for it, and a few searches and dives here turned up nothing.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2013, 03:17:03 am by EchoFourDelta »

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Re: Question about UFOpedia
« Reply #5 on: September 08, 2013, 05:02:12 am »
As an aside, would you or anyone else that happens across this happen to know how or if it's possible to modify the number of shots in a burst? I checked over the wiki's documentation of the base ruleset but didn't find anything for it, and a few searches and dives here turned up nothing.
If you mean the auto shot, I added it to the ruleset just for you. ;)

Offline EchoFourDelta

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Re: Question about UFOpedia
« Reply #6 on: September 08, 2013, 05:05:20 am »
Oh, no way! Sweet!

Yeah, that's exactly what I was asking after; I've wanted to somehow change up  the number of shots the autocannon puts out to differentiate it even further from the others.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2013, 05:07:33 am by EchoFourDelta »