I thought of a new base structure, the foundry, a structure that uses both scientists and engineers to upgrade and improve various things. The Foundry requires and equal number of scientist and engineers, up to 50 of each. Various projects may require money (all), alien alloys, elerium, alien corpses, UFO Power Sources and Navigations, and others. 1% of the required materials is deducted for every 1% completion while other resources are deducted at percentage intervals. The foundry requires research of Experimental Warfare, a new tech available at the beginning.
Some of the foundry projects incluede:
Improved Coveralls: increases armor of coveralls (no armor) to F20/S15/B10/U10, leaving soldiers slightly less vulnerable in the field. A cheap and early upgrade.
Rapid Recovery: Soldier wound recovery times are halved due to improved medical tools and methods.
Chinitin Plating: requiring Chrssalid Corpses, this changes damage modifier from melee attacks to 1.1 for coveralls, .9 for personal armor, and .8 for power suit and flying suit and tank. This also causes Chryssalid attacks to ignore 80% of the armor instead of full for soldiers and tanks.
Advanced Craft Hybrid Fueling: this causes the Firestorm, the Lightning, and Avenger to use 50% less elerium for fueling without changing fuel range or refuel time. The other 50% is earth fuel.
Scanner Friend/Foe Recognition: motion scanners now represent soldier and tank movement as blue dots instead of yellow.
Improved Power Generators: this reduces facility maintenance by 10%, as generators are made more efficient so less of them are needed to provide the same amount of power.
Improved Psionic Training: increases rate soldiers improve their Psi Skill at a psi lab by 25%.
Improved Engineering: Every 5 engineers at a workshop contributes 6 engineer hours to the project, reducing time need to manufacture items. This does not affect space needed to produce the item.
Improved Research: Every 5 Scientists at a laboratory contributes 6 scientist hours to the project, speeding up research significantly.
Rifle Scopes: Increases Accuracy of Aimed Shot for Rifle, Laser Rifle, and Plasma Rifle by 10%.
Improved Stun Rods: The stun rod has a 25% increase in effectiveness.
HWP Anti-Plasma Shields: Tanks and hovertanks take .8 damage from plasma weapons, the primary damage from aliens.
Rapid Craft Repair: craft repair times are reduced by 25% thanks to new improvements in repairing tools and machinery.
Quick Craft Reload: craft reload times are reduced by 25%.
Launcher Rapid Reload: reloading a rocket launcher or a blaster launcher requires 33% less time units thanks to automatic loading systems.
Proximity Grenade Recognition: proximity grenades are no longer triggered by your units or civilians, they are only triggered by enemies.
Secondary Defensive Systems: whenever a base defense installation misses an incoming UFO, the installation fires again at a free shot, but at a 50% accuracy penalty. The only applies once, even with grav shields. Only one of the the strongest base defenses can fire its free shot.
Nano-Fiber Vests: all soldiers have armor increased by 5 all round.
Tactical Rigging: TU cost for moving items from and to backpack, belt, shoulders, and legs decreased by 25% (rounded down, minimum of 1).
Improved Medkits: medkits have been augmented - Pain killer morale restore increased by 25%; Stimulant effect on stun increased by 25%, and heal has a 25% chance to remove two fatal wounds and recover 100% more health for one charge.
UFO Tracking Systems: UFO takes longer to outrun the X-COM craft.
UFO Targeting Systems: the first shot/volley fired on the UFO that would normally miss will hit.
Craft Evasion Systems: forces one UFO shot that would otherwise destroy the X-COM craft to miss.
Advanced Construction: grants the option to build facilities at double initial cost and half the time required.
Elerium Ammo Efficiency: ammunition that would require elerium will require 1 less to manufacture for each unit.
Improved Mind Probe: the mind probe requires 20% less time units to scan.
Tank-Auto Repair Systems: tanks can regenerate health by 8 per turn up to 50% of its max health, restoring lost stats up to that point.
New Blood: recruits come with a minimum established for all of a soldier's statistics. Current soldiers with stats below that minimum are raised to that level.
Wet Work: increases the rate soldiers gain skills by 25%.
Vengeance: whenever a soldier dies or a HWP is destroyed, nearby soldiers receive a bonus to firing accuracy, melee accuracy, throwing accuracy, and reactions for 2 turns. This effect can stack.