
Author Topic: So annoying, xcom humour...  (Read 4059 times)

Offline kharille

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So annoying, xcom humour...
« on: July 23, 2013, 02:41:32 am »
So I had 12 guys crowded around the entrance of a large scout, including one of my psi strength 80 soldiers who were supposed to be the elite.  One guy walks in and sees the sectoid.  So I was going to train up my reaction fire.  Next you know, the sectoid runs out, one of my flying suited super soldiers with psi strength 90+ fires their large rocket.  12 people dead.  My main concern is the time it'll take until the next month to find out who's going to replace this guy.

The other 11 will be covered by my, heavy plasma sales.... 

Maybe a variable market for sold items would be nice?  Perhaps with human conflict and civil war popping up...  a detailed auction to various countries for every item?  Still, too much work I guess....

Offline Chiko

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Re: So annoying, xcom humour...
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2013, 05:00:14 am »
That sucks. I usually send in the rockiest of rookies inside with a HE bomb activated. If he gets shot and dies, he will go to Valhalla knowing he took his killers with him. :3

Offline Align

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Re: So annoying, xcom humour...
« Reply #2 on: July 23, 2013, 10:40:22 am »
As for selling stuff, I highly recommend using the xcom 2012 style item recovery - you don't get piles and piles of heavy plasmas, and the intensity of having to charge right up to aliens with your stun rod in hand is pretty awesome.

Offline Mr. Quiet

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Re: So annoying, xcom humour...
« Reply #3 on: July 25, 2013, 11:45:23 pm »
Oh I would love that. Some kind of black market screen to sell alien gear to whoever you like.
National Governments if you want high % for clean trades and a fair amount on money. Go with the evil scheming/drug organizations if you want more money with more risks/deeper involvement. You'll also be sending your own men and women to go out and making the trades. For Cartels, you'd wanna send 10 Operatives max for the best results and least casualties if they decide to get nasty.
At last you'd get an update of how the transaction went in the Geoscape. Don't forget the grim art screen to show success, success with casualties, success with losses, or failure with all the above.

Man, I'd have so much fun reading the results if someone would write them out in detail and professionalism. All our people would be wearing trench coats hiding in different positions in a dark alley waiting for the trade. Or on an empty bridge in the factory district past midnight like in X-Files. Or something cool lol.

Offline kharille

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Re: So annoying, xcom humour...
« Reply #4 on: July 26, 2013, 01:25:37 am »
Apocalypse had some nice ideas.  However its too hard to get into unlike xcom1.  I bought it on steam and I just can't be bothered getting into it. Even though I watched Metalcanyon's youtube game from start to finish...