Author Topic: Easier to prevent alien infiltration?  (Read 6084 times)

Offline kharille

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Easier to prevent alien infiltration?
« on: July 05, 2013, 05:24:37 pm »
Is it still very much out of your control to prevent alien infiltration?  The most scary thing since there's no going back.  Will we look into preventing or reversing this?

Offline 54x

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Re: Easier to prevent alien infiltration?
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2013, 06:00:46 am »
Yeah as per the default game rules, once an alien infiltration is started we can't do anything to stop it.

It would be a cool mod if you could have a chance to thwart the alien infiltration by say, scouting for the infiltration site like you do for alien bases, then completing a very difficult mission there. :)

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Re: Easier to prevent alien infiltration?
« Reply #2 on: July 06, 2013, 06:19:34 am »
I agree, but I'd like to know more about how the aliens take a country, before coming up with crazy ideas. I have one btw.

Would be cool if Alien controlled countries go to war with countries that haven't signed the secret alien pact. You'd get pop-ups on the Geoscape of wars going on and nukes being launched. Madness. Would be fun to play in a normal battlescape map with soldiers roaming around. You can't do anything to take the country back, but the game will decide who wins the war and if the good nation wins, they will secretly make sure all aliens within the political chain are wiped out and replaced. If the alien controlled nation is winning, you'll know from seeing a big drop in funds over trying to fund their war.

@54x I would really love to know what exactly goes on in these Alien Infiltration missions... Maybe this is something Julian didn't have time to create, so maybe he could answer that. Or I'll just check the UFOpedia. I'm lazy though lol.

Offline LCSand

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Re: Easier to prevent alien infiltration?
« Reply #3 on: July 06, 2013, 11:26:00 am »
Ah the default infiltration method for aliens is replacing key figures with clones. I thought that was common knowlege. ;)
But maybe there could be a mission to assassinate such a clone. This could reduce the infiltration rate but the other countrys could see this as killing of genuine political opposition and be pissed about something like that.

Offline Yankes

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Re: Easier to prevent alien infiltration?
« Reply #4 on: July 06, 2013, 02:17:18 pm »
assassinate is bad idea, what people would say when group in power armor kill half of government? better is catch them using stunrods.

I think this mission should work in that way:
a) You think some country is infiltrated.
b) You spend some money on contrer-infiltration.
c) After some time you spies find target and you get new mission.
d) Depending on how much country is infiltrated, you can get even alien bodyguards in that mission.

Offline kharille

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Re: Easier to prevent alien infiltration?
« Reply #5 on: July 06, 2013, 04:13:42 pm »
Here's a suggestion.  This time you HAVE to capture a commander, and interrogate them.  Infiltration always places a base there.  If you capture the commander alive you can interrogate them and they will reveal everything thus allowing xcom to reveal everything and regain control.  As much as capturing a commander alive allows you to go to cydonia, capturing a commander should allow you to regain that country.  Not instant, I'd say once you captured the commander it'll still be a randomized time.