Author Topic: Tactics to survive early games  (Read 34511 times)

Offline Man in the Funny Hat

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Re: Tactics to survive early games
« Reply #30 on: October 27, 2013, 07:44:34 pm »
I've tried with HWP and without.  I prefer without.  Greater combined firepower from 4 troopers than one HWP, lower expense to replace - and I find they get killed just as often as "scout troops".

I actually now have a standard operating procedure to start any game:
Start building large radar, 2nd general stores, 2nd living quarters, and alien containment immediately.
Hire 7 soldiers and 15 scientists.
Equip avalanche launcher to interceptor #1 replacing cannon.
Purchase 2nd avalanche launcher.
Purchase additional troop weapons and ammo.  I tend to go for just a couple heavy weapons troopers (str 35+) and the rest get rifles and grenades.
Purchase 8-10 stunrods and give them to all the troops with str to carry them even if they aren't going to use them for a while.
Purchase 20 electroflares - nobody steps off the skyranger without an electroflare.  On night missions it is vital to LIGHT THE BATTLEFIELD and incendiary ammo alone is just not sufficient for that task.
Sell off weapons that will be unused and purchase as many avalanche missiles as your remaining base storage will allow (which won't be much).
- - - Start research on Laser Weapons
Review troops and mark for specialization and early dismissal.  (I have found it best to keep simple.  Str 35+ is "H", heavy weapons.  Firing Acc 65+ is "S", sniper.  Bravery under 30 is "X", undesirable.
Check skyranger and interceptor loadouts.  When purchases arrive, check loadouts again.

H's get autocannon or rocket launcher as they're the only ones who can handle the weight (and ususally not even very good at that to start).  It's actually important that the H's score kills!  They need the promotion to squaddie and kills to get their strength up.  I want them using rocket launchers and carrying 4 heavy rockets and a laser pistol for a sidearm.  That means they generally got to get str up to 40+.  If possible the heavies will rotate position in the ship and be given best available rifles for a few missions to score more kills.

S's otherwise get laser pistol first or the best available rifles first.  If POSSIBLE snipers will be moved quickly to a position where they command a view of a large portion of battlefield.  Very often that is not practical and in that case they don't do anything much different than the rest of the troops.  Still, it's good to see at a glance from the name who has the higher base accuracy and keep them from being over-exposed to "discovery fire".

X's among the initial troops are kept only until the first wave of reinforcements arrives, otherwise you'd be way understaffed if you have to take a mission.  They are then sacked outright and additional waves of troops are hired/fired until all troops have at least 30 bravery.  I find that's a good break point.  Troops are not so expensive and valuable as to just fire them for low bravery.  They still panic a little too easily with 30 bravery but are not the SEVERE liability as troops with less than that.  Panicking troops leads to a cascade of failure - one panics, gets killed, lowers morale so that more panic, get killed, and lower morale still further...  Money is not so tight that you can't afford to do this.

Aliens have ALL their TU's available to take reaction fire on turn 1.  You can either take that in stride or you can "game the system" just a little and burn turn #1.  Personally, I shoot any aliens I see immediately, drop a smoke grenade at the foot of the ramp (sometimes do that first), but then end turn 1 without anyone stepping outside.  There is a MUCH higher survival rate that way.  There is little so depressing as having 4 or 5 troops die at the top of the ramp on a terror mission because there's aliens in full view to the sides of the ramp.

On recovery missions your ultimate aim is simply the loot.  You just got to kill the surviving aliens to get their stuff.  On terror missions your job is SURVIVAL.  It is NOT to rescue civilians.  That's just a side benefit.  The danger of terror missions is twofold.  A) you are frequently forced to handle them at night which is an order of magnitude more deadly.  B) you have to deal with terror units.  Terror units have a lot of TU's and take a lot of hits.  You MUST advance cautiously to avoid "surprises".  Most civilians are going to die in the first few turns in any case because they and the aliens will be spread all over the map and you CANNOT help them.  All you can do is try to observe the alien turn, listen and watch and try to deduce where the aliens are as you sweep forward.  If you know where they are but can't yet see them, don't be a hero.  Don't go sniping for them.  BLOW IT UP.  You still get credit for kills with explosions as with a bullet.

The game itself grades your performance on missions.  You can have every single civilian killed and still come out with "good" or even "excellent" after-action reports - if you keep YOUR team alive.

In 18 days your alien containment will be complete.  At that point your mission efforts need to shift to taking key captives.  Navigators are needed to get hyperwave decoder, psionic aliens for psilab construction, any alien for alien orgin, leaders for "Martial Solution", commanders for "Cydonia".  Obviously having stun bombs is better for that, otherwise it's suicide rushes with stun rods.

You want to get multiple psilabs (multiple bases?) in operation as soon as is practical.  You may be really fond of your increasingly promoted and experienced troops but the fact is that you have a final test for them.  They might be Rambo incarnated on the battlefield but if they can't make or usefully resist psi attacks they're going to be almost useless to you.  To get a proper selection of troops to send to Cydonia you're going to needt to test a LOT of troops.  If you try to do that in lots of ONLY 10 at a time with just one psilab that will take a while.

There are more advantages than one to getting new bases started fairly early.  First is radar and intercept coverage - being able to detect and shoot down UFO's all over the world increases your troops experience and cash flow from selling excess alien equipment and keeping your own troops supplied.  Second is that since you don't want your bases undefended by troops anyway (in case its discovered and assaulted by the aliens) you can kill two birds with one stone -  base a complement of troops there and have a psilab doing additonal screening.  The sooner you know who your psionic-capable troops are the sooner you can concentrate on getting THEM all the additional combat experience prior to taking on Cydonia.

It is ultimately about ONLY those 26 guys you cram into an Avenger and send to Mars.  It's THEY who need the training and experience to win.

Offline SHADO

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Re: Tactics to survive early games
« Reply #31 on: October 28, 2013, 03:15:50 am »
...drop a smoke grenade at the foot of the ramp (sometimes do that first), but then end turn 1 without anyone stepping outside.  There is a MUCH higher survival rate that way.  There is little so depressing as having 4 or 5 troops die at the top of the ramp on a terror mission because there's aliens in full view to the sides of the ramp. ...

My 2 cents on a major difference between the original X-Com & OpenXCom: smoke.

When I first played the original, I hardly ever used smoke due to the smoke limitation bug.  Needless to say, I took a lot of casualties.  In OXC with smoke working the way it's supposed to, it's become standard equipment for me.  I think that, when used properly, it's one of the key factors for being consistently successful in battle.

This reminds me that in one battle, I had an ethereal walk up to the SkyRanger's ramp within 2 squares of my troops.  Because of the smoke cloud, I couldn't see him and he couldn't see me. :D

Offline Hobbit Lord

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Re: Tactics to survive early games
« Reply #32 on: October 29, 2013, 12:40:02 am »
I've tried with HWP and without.  I prefer without.  Greater combined firepower from 4 troopers than one HWP, lower expense to replace - and I find they get killed just as often as "scout troops".

I actually now have a standard operating procedure to start any game:
Start building large radar, 2nd general stores, 2nd living quarters, and alien containment immediately.
Hire 7 soldiers and 15 scientists.
Equip avalanche launcher to interceptor #1 replacing cannon.
Purchase 2nd avalanche launcher.
Purchase additional troop weapons and ammo.  I tend to go for just a couple heavy weapons troopers (str 35+) and the rest get rifles and grenades.
Purchase 8-10 stunrods and give them to all the troops with str to carry them even if they aren't going to use them for a while.
Purchase 20 electroflares - nobody steps off the skyranger without an electroflare.  On night missions it is vital to LIGHT THE BATTLEFIELD and incendiary ammo alone is just not sufficient for that task.
Sell off weapons that will be unused and purchase as many avalanche missiles as your remaining base storage will allow (which won't be much).
- - - Start research on Laser Weapons
Review troops and mark for specialization and early dismissal.  (I have found it best to keep simple.  Str 35+ is "H", heavy weapons.  Firing Acc 65+ is "S", sniper.  Bravery under 30 is "X", undesirable.
Check skyranger and interceptor loadouts.  When purchases arrive, check loadouts again.

H's get autocannon or rocket launcher as they're the only ones who can handle the weight (and ususally not even very good at that to start).  It's actually important that the H's score kills!  They need the promotion to squaddie and kills to get their strength up.  I want them using rocket launchers and carrying 4 heavy rockets and a laser pistol for a sidearm.  That means they generally got to get str up to 40+.  If possible the heavies will rotate position in the ship and be given best available rifles for a few missions to score more kills.

S's otherwise get laser pistol first or the best available rifles first.  If POSSIBLE snipers will be moved quickly to a position where they command a view of a large portion of battlefield.  Very often that is not practical and in that case they don't do anything much different than the rest of the troops.  Still, it's good to see at a glance from the name who has the higher base accuracy and keep them from being over-exposed to "discovery fire".

X's among the initial troops are kept only until the first wave of reinforcements arrives, otherwise you'd be way understaffed if you have to take a mission.  They are then sacked outright and additional waves of troops are hired/fired until all troops have at least 30 bravery.  I find that's a good break point.  Troops are not so expensive and valuable as to just fire them for low bravery.  They still panic a little too easily with 30 bravery but are not the SEVERE liability as troops with less than that.  Panicking troops leads to a cascade of failure - one panics, gets killed, lowers morale so that more panic, get killed, and lower morale still further...  Money is not so tight that you can't afford to do this.

Aliens have ALL their TU's available to take reaction fire on turn 1.  You can either take that in stride or you can "game the system" just a little and burn turn #1.  Personally, I shoot any aliens I see immediately, drop a smoke grenade at the foot of the ramp (sometimes do that first), but then end turn 1 without anyone stepping outside.  There is a MUCH higher survival rate that way.  There is little so depressing as having 4 or 5 troops die at the top of the ramp on a terror mission because there's aliens in full view to the sides of the ramp.

On recovery missions your ultimate aim is simply the loot.  You just got to kill the surviving aliens to get their stuff.  On terror missions your job is SURVIVAL.  It is NOT to rescue civilians.  That's just a side benefit.  The danger of terror missions is twofold.  A) you are frequently forced to handle them at night which is an order of magnitude more deadly.  B) you have to deal with terror units.  Terror units have a lot of TU's and take a lot of hits.  You MUST advance cautiously to avoid "surprises".  Most civilians are going to die in the first few turns in any case because they and the aliens will be spread all over the map and you CANNOT help them.  All you can do is try to observe the alien turn, listen and watch and try to deduce where the aliens are as you sweep forward.  If you know where they are but can't yet see them, don't be a hero.  Don't go sniping for them.  BLOW IT UP.  You still get credit for kills with explosions as with a bullet.

The game itself grades your performance on missions.  You can have every single civilian killed and still come out with "good" or even "excellent" after-action reports - if you keep YOUR team alive.

In 18 days your alien containment will be complete.  At that point your mission efforts need to shift to taking key captives.  Navigators are needed to get hyperwave decoder, psionic aliens for psilab construction, any alien for alien orgin, leaders for "Martial Solution", commanders for "Cydonia".  Obviously having stun bombs is better for that, otherwise it's suicide rushes with stun rods.

You want to get multiple psilabs (multiple bases?) in operation as soon as is practical.  You may be really fond of your increasingly promoted and experienced troops but the fact is that you have a final test for them.  They might be Rambo incarnated on the battlefield but if they can't make or usefully resist psi attacks they're going to be almost useless to you.  To get a proper selection of troops to send to Cydonia you're going to needt to test a LOT of troops.  If you try to do that in lots of ONLY 10 at a time with just one psilab that will take a while.

There are more advantages than one to getting new bases started fairly early.  First is radar and intercept coverage - being able to detect and shoot down UFO's all over the world increases your troops experience and cash flow from selling excess alien equipment and keeping your own troops supplied.  Second is that since you don't want your bases undefended by troops anyway (in case its discovered and assaulted by the aliens) you can kill two birds with one stone -  base a complement of troops there and have a psilab doing additonal screening.  The sooner you know who your psionic-capable troops are the sooner you can concentrate on getting THEM all the additional combat experience prior to taking on Cydonia.

It is ultimately about ONLY those 26 guys you cram into an Avenger and send to Mars.  It's THEY who need the training and experience to win.
4 troops dying out of 12 is a pretty big morale loss. At least a few more will panic or become useless

Also i am sure the tank properly used can cover more ground / do more recon than 4 rookies. It can move faster and you don't have to hide/crouch every turn to avoid dying which means even more TUs. I've had tanks take 6+ shots and survive, that's 4 rookies die much easier

Offline Hobbit Lord

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Re: Tactics to survive early games
« Reply #33 on: October 29, 2013, 12:43:27 am »
#2, whether the 4 rookies or tank is more effective is more to do with what they're going to be used for

I know for most crash land, missions I rarely use more than 8 troops. The rest stay in the skyranger as 'backup'

In other words the advantage of taking extra humans reduces the more you have

when you have 4 humans, adding an extra 4 (taking it to 8 ) might be worth 4 humans and a tank...

when you already have 10 humans, an extra 4 rookies is not worth the additional capabilities/options of a tank

Offline yrizoud

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Re: Tactics to survive early games
« Reply #34 on: May 19, 2014, 02:54:31 am »
I advise to not rely on the button "reserve TU for snap shot", especially with a weapon which has a quick snap shot. Your chances of getting a reaction fire are dependant on having a lot of remaining TUs. If your front men kep less than 50% TU, they will probably not shoot first when an alien pops into view

When an alien is looking directly at the skyranger on turn 1, note that you can get a smoke from your backpack, arm it, and DROP it at your feet : none of these actions will trigger a reaction shot. You can then hit END TURN, the grenade will go off and hopefully conceil everyone.

Offline Aldorn

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Re: Tactics to survive early games
« Reply #35 on: May 19, 2014, 05:04:09 pm »

Is it normal to lose most (if not all) of your team the first few terror sites?

What would you say playing my Hell mod... In fact I have same problem as you for any ufo larger than Medium Scout, I have no other choice than just ignoring harder missions

Be cautious, stay near skyranger for the first turns, and flee as soon as you are surrounded.

And report to your scientists to hurry up !!!


My 2 cents on a major difference between the original X-Com & OpenXCom: smoke.

When I first played the original, I hardly ever used smoke due to the smoke limitation bug.  Needless to say, I took a lot of casualties.  In OXC with smoke working the way it's supposed to, it's become standard equipment for me.  I think that, when used properly, it's one of the key factors for being consistently successful in battle.

I totally agree
« Last Edit: May 19, 2014, 05:05:50 pm by Aldorn »

Offline Dioxine

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Re: Tactics to survive early games
« Reply #36 on: May 20, 2014, 08:28:32 pm »
My 3 cents...

1. You NEVER *have to* handle a terror mission at night. If it spawns at twilight close to your base, just send your Skyranger the hell out and order it to target the terror site 6 hours later. As long as the terror site is currently targetted, it won't despawn. Plus, if you think a terror is too hard, just takeoff immediately after landing. You'll get a score hit, but no bigger than 250-300 points, as opposed to 1000 for ignoring a terror.

2. Anyone with Psi Strength of 50+ is able to resist almost all psi attacks, so you don't have to be too picky.

3. Bravery is almost totally irrelevant. It won't help against psi attacks, high ranking officers provide a huge Bravery boost anyway, and if you're taking heavy losses, you can always retreat and regroup before continuing onwards - or even simply run. There are some, extremely rare (and fun) situations when you really wished all your soldiers had 70+ Bravery, but it's simply impractical to be that picky.

Offline Man in the Funny Hat

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Re: Tactics to survive early games
« Reply #37 on: May 21, 2014, 04:55:08 am »
1. You NEVER *have to* handle a terror mission at night. If it spawns at twilight close to your base, just send your Skyranger the hell out and order it to target the terror site 6 hours later. As long as the terror site is currently targetted, it won't despawn. Plus, if you think a terror is too hard, just takeoff immediately after landing. You'll get a score hit, but no bigger than 250-300 points, as opposed to 1000 for ignoring a terror.
Yeah... that has always felt a bit too much like cheating to me though.  It's an exploit.  But the point about landing at a terror mission and then bugging out being better than not going at all is much more valid.  Like Viper said in Top Gun - "better to retire and save the aircraft than to push a BAD position".

3. Bravery is almost totally irrelevant. It won't help against psi attacks, high ranking officers provide a huge Bravery boost anyway, and if you're taking heavy losses, you can always retreat and regroup before continuing onwards - or even simply run. There are some, extremely rare (and fun) situations when you really wished all your soldiers had 70+ Bravery, but it's simply impractical to be that picky.
High ranking officers are often the trigger for a cascade of bravery fail.  They do provide a bravery boost - but there is also a bigger bravery hit when they go down.  It's a possible tactic to keep the high ranks picking their noses in the skyranger while the lower ranks do the work in order to avoid that, but that really does miss the point.  You don't take higher ranks with you just for the bravery boost - they are generally more capable than other troops so you WANT them in the mud and blood.

As I suggested upthread, 30 bravery seems to me to be a useful breakpoint.  Bravery of 20 or 10 is just too low to be reasonably reliable.  30 will still panic when it all goes pear-shaped but it takes a usefully fatter pear to do it.  The cost of sacking a certain percentage of NEW, RAW recruits to get decently brave ones is rarely a significant consideration.

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: Tactics to survive early games
« Reply #38 on: May 21, 2014, 06:06:19 pm »
Concerning new recruits:
Man in the Funny Hat: bad cop
Dioxine: good cop :P

Offline Souljah1214

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Re: Tactics to survive early games
« Reply #39 on: June 16, 2014, 02:50:10 pm »
I personally use this

The smallest tactical unit in my organization is the two man squad (in early game i use the basic rifle.... all my soldier gets a frag and a smoke grande and a torch), and this two soldier will always work together. I dont use rocket launchers, cause they are too dangerous especialy if PSI is involved in the battle from the alien side. And also I tend to minimise collateral damage to property.

Second in the tactical line is the "squad" of about 4-6 (i like to keep the nubers even, cause that way i can seperate them. With here you can vary your soldiers for different posts (marksman, heavy support (i prefer autocannon with HE or IN ammo).

When the team is dispatched for a crisis situation, in day time we all head out to form circular defense around the Skyranger. After we are out from the craft, we try to locate the UFO (if crahsed or landed) then we sepearete. One team makes a sweep around the map (especialy buildings) while the other group rushes to the UFO. It is important to notice, never hurry...  only if there is immidiate threat to civilians or Xcom personel.  If the aliens start to shoot at us immediatly, then the smoke granades come into play. Important thing is to move from cover to cover (no matter if its soft of hard cover).

I think  the medikit is a must have for all the soldiers, the motion scanner only for the officers.

Offline RSSwizard

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Re: Tactics to survive early games
« Reply #40 on: August 27, 2014, 11:40:48 pm »
The secret to my success is Hand Grenade Relay and using 2 HWPS.
Any aliens that arent looking at me or have already fired . . . I toss them a grenade.
And while the "Instant Grenades" mod nerfs the hand grenade relay, it makes up for it by getting immediate results.

If im playing vanilla or without the Instant Grenades mod, I make sure not to move any soldiers unnecessarily in the alien's field of vision to give the grenade time to do its work.


Early game most aliens use either Plasma Pistols or Plasma Rifles and the HWPs are remarkably resilient to those . . . you can have the tank shot multiple times with the pistol and it wont take a scratch.

The HWPs do scouting and open fire with snap shots after everyone else has gone so that way they might score a frag. They wont get veterancy for it but HWPs eventually die anyway so they're expendible.

If I sell a few plasma guns it offsets the cost.

Since you can put up to 3 HWPs in a skyranger . . . I put 2 in it and have 6 soldiers as backup.

2 HWP Cannons with 6 Soldiers.
I usually dont get HWP/Rocket, if I want rocket support I give one of my snipers a rocket launcher.
3 Grenades per Soldier (yes thats alot).
During the mission loadout screen I move the grenades to Shoulder slots to reduce the grab TUs to 3 (I dont know why this isnt the default).

Soldier weapon loadout is Heavy Cannon with HE rounds for anyone who can handle the weight. If their accuracy sucks I just fire more snap shots or I try to sneak them closer. If I want direct-fire then I give someone an Autocannon with AP rounds (and I give the extra ammo to someone else to carry if I run out, so that there is some ammo on the map Somewhere if I actually need it).

The Rifle almost always takes at least 2 shots to put someone down and its main use is supposed to be distance shooting. But when you shoot aliens they turn around and reaction-fire on you.

So the Rifle and Pistol are a deathtrap for your soldiers. I usually only use the Rifle for Auto Shot, even at a distance (where it sucks). I only do Distance shooting with the Rifle with someone who has excellent accuracy, and I make them kneel while doing it.

Again the priority is on having guys throw Grenades. If they need to use their Gun then they need to be at close range so they can hit twice with auto shot (within 8 squares).

I develop Laser Pistols as fast as I can, and I replace Rifles with them. At close range the accuracy doesnt matter and the laser is fast.

But I eventually get rid of the laser pistol for the laser rifle. Thats what im really gunning for because it does 60 damage, and an Auto Shot with that is serious business.

The first part of the game does not give you much time to do that though. You will go through probably 3 missions and a Terror Mission before the Laser Rifle is available and manufactured.

Thats why those Grenades are so dam useful.
Even against snakemen most of the time.

Offline XCOMFan419

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Re: Tactics to survive early games
« Reply #41 on: August 31, 2014, 11:43:25 pm »
With this method, you don't have a lot of money in the early game, nor do you have many promotions to hand out, but it becomes a lot easier, and losing soldiers is more common, but you lose less high ranking soldiers.

1. Take a HWP of your choice out with you every mission. Be it terror or not. Might come in handy sometime any way.

2. Have a team for every base. Meaning if you build a base every month, then you have to have at least 1 skyranger/troop transport of your choice and a team to fill it (1 HWP and 10 soldiers at least). Whenever a UFO crashes in the base's territory, then you send the team with the nearest base. (If you have a base in europe and it shot down a craft in Asia, then send a team from your asia base and so forth.) This makes it so you have more opportunity to hand out promotions in the late game, and have more than simple garrison rookies at each base, meaning base defence is easier.

3. Do not skip research. Ever. Try and use your scientists on different projects. I usually like to go 20 per project with 100 scientists.

4. As soon as you have something you can sell, DO IT. If it is useless or you will never use it, then sell it. Also, never let your engineers sit idle.

5. Always have a good stock of soldiers/rookies. Anywhere from 30-40 is good. Especially with number 2 and the multiple tactical teams.

6. Replace interceptors with better craft ASAP. Be it a modded craft (Alloy Interceptors, Raven, Retaliator, Thunderstorm, etcetera) or the Firestorm. Usually I have this within 3-4 months, due to my horrible RNG with the crafts and not getting UFO power sources (I didn't get power sources until August once)

7. Armour and weapons are priority. Mostly armour since Snakemen/Floaters/Sectoids and their terrorists are easy to kill with rifles, grenades and rockets, and Personal Armour will help against Plasma Pistols and limited protection against early game Plasma Rifles.

Offline NoelBuddy

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Re: Tactics to survive early games
« Reply #42 on: September 15, 2014, 07:06:35 pm »
...standard grenades. They have unbelievable accuracy with them (much better than aim shot on knees). Often with good range.

It is the prevalence of extremely good throwing stats that has me convinced Xcom has a minor league baseball team as a front for it's recruitment program.

Offline HelmetHair

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Re: Tactics to survive early games
« Reply #43 on: September 19, 2014, 06:29:21 am »
It is the prevalence of extremely good throwing stats that has me convinced Xcom has a minor league baseball team as a front for it's recruitment program.

It also explains why I get so many Julios, Joses, Angelos, and Marcos with hilariously high throwing, I must of gotten the Dominican dudes who didn't make the cut into the Majors. 

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Re: Tactics to survive early games
« Reply #44 on: October 07, 2014, 12:58:16 am »
There are a few strategies that I like to use on the battlescape and I'll divide them up into a few broad tactical categories. These are assuming that you have control of the immediate area surrounding the Skyranger, but tactics for that will also be explained.

1. Slow march.
You will utilize a few men to act as pointmen/ spotters and leap frog 3-5 men in a team with interlocking fields of fire. The Point man will throw electroflares and everyone moves up incrementally while attempting to minimize exposure. Tactics like kneeling behind a stone wall before the end of a turn are highly encouraged , but you will attempt to first clear the map completely before attempting to Clear the UFO.

2. Rapid Disembark Skyranger.
to Rapidly disembark all of your men in a single turn while drawing a minimum of fire you should utilize smoke. Your first turn you should have your four front men prime a pre-equiped smoke grenade. First man throws the smoke grenade onto the ramp of the skyranger. Second man runs out into the smoke and tosses the second towards the front wheels of the skyranger. Third man throws his smoke grenade to the right, and the fourth to the left. With this much smoke, it is likely that there is no Alien that can see a damn thing and you run all of your men out spreading like ass cancer. Doing this, you can typically get all 14 soldiers out of the Skyranger in one turn. Meaning next turn you have more men with full Time units on the second turn to purge Xeno.

3. Three man Frag Tag Breach.
You have three men. One with a heavy cannon, one with a pistol and Grenade, and one with a rifle. You position your men close but not too close to a wall. The grenade guy primes the grenade. Heavy Cannon guy shoots a hole in the wall of a farm house. Grenade gets thrown into the room and explodes, rifle guy goes in to shoot or stun any survivors.

4. Two man demo team.
One guy Shoots a hole in the wall and the other tosses in an HE pack set on 1 turn. Building goes kaboom and next turn they shoot survivors or move to the next building.

5. Rocket cover busting.
Any piece of cover that might conceal an alien or provide future cover to an alien should be destroyed judiciously. Rockets are cheap. Soldiers are not.

More later... I'm tired.