I've updated this mod that I created ages ago to work on the latest nightlies!The creators of the original game said that they were dissatisfied with the balance of psionics and the blaster launcher. This collection of mini mods will help you fix that!
Should work on both OpenXcom and OpenXcom Extended (including 8.0).
https://mod.io/g/openxcom/m/customizable-psiblaster-balanceYou can create the balance you want from the following options:
Alien Psi Attack Line Of SightAliens must be in line-of-sight to the target in order to do psi attacks
Balanced Hovertank/LauncherHovertank/Launcher requires more time units to fire, and has a slightly smaller blast radius
Blaster Launcher Damage 140Reduces the Blaster Launcher damage from 200 to 140
Expensive Psi-AmpThe Psi-Amp is more expensive and requires more special materials
Heavy Blaster LauncherMakes the Blaster Launcher more expensive, a lot heavier and requires more time units to fire
Hovertank/Launcher 3 shotsThe Hovertank/Launcher can only carry 3 bombs. The bombs are also more expensive to manufacture.
Hovertank/Launcher damage+Hovertank/Launcher does 200 damage (like the blaster launcher) instead of 140
Mind Probe Line Of SightX-com must be in line-of-sight to the target to use the Mind Probe
No Blaster LauncherBlaster Launcher cannot be used by X-COM (But still by aliens!). Hovertank/Launcher is still available.
No Blaster ManufactureBlaster Launcher/Bombs cannot be manufactured. You will rely on the ones recovered from aliens.
Two WaypointsBoth the Blaster Launcher and Hovertank/Launcher can only use two waypoints
Psi-Amp Line Of SightX-com must be in line-of-sight to the target to use the Psi-Amp.
Psi-Amp Time Units Cost 45Using the Psi-Amp costs 45 time units instead of 25
Psi Threat ReducedReduces the Psionic threat from aliens, and reduces the maximum Psi Skill for X-COM soldiers