
Author Topic: How are Hangar map tiles referenced?  (Read 793 times)

Offline Chevayo

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How are Hangar map tiles referenced?
« on: November 30, 2024, 11:50:21 pm »
Sorry, i am quite new to modding this particular game, so i likely have a lot of the terminology wrong (which might be why i could not find my answers from google).

How are multi-tile buildings assembled for the base defense missions?
(I am looking at the example of the Hangar in the XPiratez mod, but i expect the general answer to be the same for all similar buildings)

So the hangar has 4 tiles - in the mod i am looking at (XPiratez) its XBR_16, XBR_17,  18, 19.

However in the ruleset i only see:

- type: STR_HANGAR
mapName: XBR_16

the other tiles - 17, 18, 19 are never referenced and i have found no linkage from a full text search for those segments through all of the ruleset files.

Which leads me to suspect, that the linkage might be within the map file itself?
(Although i found no indication of it - looking at the maps in the editor)

So if i were to edit the maps to replace them, would i break those linkages?
How would the game know, what tiles to load beyond the first one?

Offline CrazedHarpooner

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Re: How are Hangar map tiles referenced?
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2024, 03:43:52 am »
It's nothing that obscure, the engine looks for mapBlocks with the same name and incremental numbering. It knows it needs to fetch extra blocks based of the size property in the facility ruleset. Just make sure that all the pertaining mapBlocks for that facility use the same name, with 2-digit sequential numbers at the end. For example: HANGAR_00.MAP, HANGAR_01.MAP, HANGAR_02.MAP and HANGAR_03.MAP.

Also, OXCE allows for rectangular sizes if you use sizeX and sizeY instead.

Offline Chevayo

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Re: How are Hangar map tiles referenced?
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2024, 04:29:53 am »
Ah thank you!
I fell into the trap of overthinking it!  ::)