1/ Moving units as anything but simple.
There is a frikkin crapton squared of calculations involved:
- recalculating field of view with every step and turn
- recalculating lighting every step
- recalculating reaction fire every step
- and so on...
If the map is too big, or the max visibility distance is modded bigger or there are too many enemies to check, it will take a lot of time to calculate everything and the movement will be snail-pace.
Try comparing for example vanilla small UFO map speed against XPiratez space map speed.
The first is close to teleporting for me, the second is barely 2-3 steps a second.
2/ Besides movement calculations, the complexity of the map rendering itself can be a limiting factor. If map rendering is taking almost all CPU time, then...
So check:
- what resolution you're playing on
- how much you're zoomed out (how much of the map you see at once)
- what level you're on (rendering ground level is much simpler than rendering top levels, just try it with XPiratez base defense, or even just TFTD alien colony)
- what crazy rendering filters you're using
- and so on...
3/ There's many other factors involved, which are either too complicated to explain or I don't even understand fully myself.
Check the settings recommendation here, for most obvious mistakes:
https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=8208.0If it doesn't help, buy a better computer, or play less complicated mods, or less crazy filters/resolution, or simply accept it.
PS: Max slider is (trying to) perform a movement animation step every 1 millisecond, min slider is (trying to) perform a movement animation step every 40 milliseconds.