
Author Topic: [DONE][Suggestion] Sniper spotting is now different than vanilla spotting  (Read 2931 times)

Online Meridian

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Re: [DONE][Suggestion] Sniper spotting is now different than vanilla spotting
« Reply #15 on: January 22, 2025, 06:39:47 pm »
Please explain more simply how this option works for the player and AI if the spotter\sniper logic is disabled in the modification?

If it is disabled, then hitting a spotter doesn't make you spotted.

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: [DONE][Suggestion] Sniper spotting is now different than vanilla spotting
« Reply #16 on: January 22, 2025, 10:08:07 pm »
Regarding shotguns: from the player's perspective, it shouldn't matter which bullet was first, since they're supposed to be simultaneous. The only reason we're talking about the "first" pellet is purely technical: because that's how the engine works. But it should not be in any way accessible or visible to the player, if it can be avoided. Therefore, I am convinced that a spotter should not announce who their killer was, regardless of which pellet was first and which pellet killed them.
Regarding autoshots: this is not as clear cut, since I can picture a scenario where the hit spotter gives a short yell in the middle of an autoshot before being downed (dark as it is). But for simplicity and cohesion I think the game should also prevent a spotter from warning the others, same as with shotgun pellets.
I realize that this approach has its pros and cons (like making the AI a bit less effective), but after weighing them I've decided that this is what looks the most logical to me.

Offline CrazedHarpooner

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Re: [DONE][Suggestion] Sniper spotting is now different than vanilla spotting
« Reply #17 on: January 23, 2025, 12:32:33 am »
Multiple projectile shots will have unique issues. Not just the 1st projectile (pellet) not downing a target but a later one in the same shot, you also have the cases where multiple scouting targets get hit with some dying and others not, now you have to put in place the logic to track each unit hit in that shot and then see if any remain standing to mark the shooter. Another case that has not been considered is stray shots hitting another target that's not even in sight, imagine having a sniper of your own on one side of the map try to take out a potential scout, missing yet hitting another taget on the opposite side of the map that is also a scout, should your sniper be revealed due to this? With option 1 it'll be yes if they don't go down and with 2 it'll happen regardless of outcome.

My original script idea is now deprecated with this implementation, however, I think I might be able to repurpose some of it to work in tandem with option 1, allowing to conceptually have multishot actions that take out a target prevent the sniper mark. Still, as I've said earlier, handling multiple hit targets to determine if the mark stays or not won't be easy via scripts. On the other hand, this implementation now opens up the possibility of "suppressed" weapons that would work as if option 0 was active while either of the other 2 options are in use for other weapons. Not only that, but also the option of using weapons with tracer rounds for the enemies / aliens that will mark the target hit as scouted for snipers without having to use actual scouting units.

Online Meridian

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Re: [DONE][Suggestion] Sniper spotting is now different than vanilla spotting
« Reply #18 on: January 23, 2025, 08:41:14 pm »

ok, I will update it over the weekend

Offline hellrazor

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Re: [DONE][Suggestion] Sniper spotting is now different than vanilla spotting
« Reply #19 on: January 24, 2025, 04:57:13 pm »
Regarding shotguns: from the player's perspective, it shouldn't matter which bullet was first, since they're supposed to be simultaneous. The only reason we're talking about the "first" pellet is purely technical: because that's how the engine works. But it should not be in any way accessible or visible to the player, if it can be avoided. Therefore, I am convinced that a spotter should not announce who their killer was, regardless of which pellet was first and which pellet killed them.
Regarding autoshots: this is not as clear cut, since I can picture a scenario where the hit spotter gives a short yell in the middle of an autoshot before being downed (dark as it is). But for simplicity and cohesion I think the game should also prevent a spotter from warning the others, same as with shotgun pellets.
I realize that this approach has its pros and cons (like making the AI a bit less effective), but after weighing them I've decided that this is what looks the most logical to me.

That sounds totally logical. I would also like to this approach somehow implemented thanks :)