I think, if mission map has exit points, and this is last stage, then aborting mission with x-com units standing on exits must force mission to be won.
This is already working for missions, which don't have any other win conditions or any special handling.
(like the Area51 mission I showed you)
The example you gave me later is an Alien Base mission, which has both special handling and other win conditions.
Win conditions for alien base are:
1. base "brain" destroyed
2. or all enemies neutralized
Special handling is:
- if alien base is destroyed = win, otherwise = loss (regardless of anything else)
This is hardcoded for all alien bases and other handling, even if performed, is just ignored/overwritten.
To be honest, the current behavior seems logical to me... the alien base is still intact... how could you consider that a win?
I could make changes here, but how should I determine, which win/loss handling should have
- is destroyed alien base more important?
- is escape more important?
- is saving VIPs more important?
- is killing everyone more important?
And how do I determine which message to display to the user if he both destroyed the base
and escaped?
Which message has priority?
Plus, as you mentioned, how should the loot be handled?
Even though the mission is an escape "win", the loot should be handled as a loss?