- Dogs having grenadier commendation is one of my joy in game.
- Bringing landmines and gas mines and putting them in front of doors.
- In the Black Lotus HQ mission with the Osprey you got 2 groups of eight soldiers to guard the 2 elevators. 2 Soldiers for each sides Open the elevator door without moving, kill what you see, bring loot in, throw mines, click next turn, the door close, you hear some detonations, repeat until you lack mines , for 1 group go back to equipment pile from time to time.
- For the zombie in the hospital I like to solve it turn 1 with a 2 Flame Gloves and 2 hits (One for the wall and one for the zombie) and everybody gain the Cavalier Commendation.
- Digging new ways in subterranean to solve map problems
- make the last enemy panic and it's time for reaction training for the whole team
- Crazy Hassan reinforced weapon boxes for supplying machine guns before the licence
- Lots of land survey debriefings
- Stunning civilians for loot (chainsaw, pickaxes, boomer boxes, pepper spays)
- being voluntary hit for the battle scar and patient commendation and the extra bravery experience for the medic (useful for qualification for bio Enhancement)
- having a low psi unarmed unit to act as a psi attack decoy for enemies
- having weapons that on average can't harm your team as a safety measure
- Fire cover, Dogs barking to stop advancing unit, possibly in the fire and reaction fire