As I'm that guy who automatically writes guides and summaries for things as I go along (I have several Steam Guides for that reason), this topic links to a big 26 page compilation of information to help you with playing XPiratez!
Testimony from the Mod Author themselves: I had a lot of fun reading your guide myself, especially the Captains' descriptions, it's really rewarding when the love I put into making the mod gets returned and spread around
It's also probably the best researched guide I've seen, I didn't see a single false claim.
Last Updated: 01/12/2024 for the new N10 patch
Get it here: Includes: >> All of the Starting Locations and what they give in one place (events & regional bonuses too). Updated 20/10/24.
>> Captain Ideas, Aspects, and then each as a whole including all of the types. The events and bonuses in summary that they get. Updated 20/10/24.
>> All four Codexes and their bonuses in summary. Updated 01/12/24.
>> Craft and Interceptor Progression. Updated 27/09/24.
>> Recruitment choices comparison for routes (i.e. Male/Gals/Cats/Peasant/Sectoid/DOLLS). Updated 26/11/24.
>> Reference charts for shields, armour terminology, and captain progression. Updated 16/11/24.
>> Hints and Tips for both newer XPZ players and some more advanced ones as well. Updated 16/11/24.
Includes a lot of my thought processes on each of these as well as pretty formatting.

If you think any of my thoughts are horribly off-base, feel free to let me know and I'll add corrections.
There is also a Weapon Comparison Excel Sheet: This includes comparison between fire modes (Snap/Aimed/Auto), Damage expectations, accuracy, and range, catagorised by weapon type, and presented in the order I found a copy of that weapon.
This is INCOMPLETE, as I obviously haven't tried everything.
Additionally, the online XPedia is
WAY out of date (2 years or so), so here's a re-compiled one for N10: it opens on Google,
click the Down Arrow to Download it and place in your \Dioxine_XPiratez\ root for the images to work.
Hope you all find it useful.