
Author Topic: [Answered] smarter equip mod issue with item categories (TWoTS)  (Read 886 times)

Online psavola

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I suppose this can be reported here because smarter equip mod is shipped with OXCE.

If I enable smarter equip mod with TWoTS, many early-access items of 'categories: [STR_DUALENV_WEAPONS]' disappear from the equipping screen regardless of the starting conditions (underwater / surface). Tested with OXCE 7.13, I haven't tried this earlier.

You can test this with, for example, a new battle with Gas Cannon or Magna-blast grenades. For some reason (not inheriting anything from vanilla definitions?), for example ADS works.

However, I'm not sure if 'smarter equip' is even supposed to be compatible with non-vanilla TFTD (and more precisely, what kind of mods will cause misbehaviour). But if it isn't intended to work, I wonder if there should be some way to mitigate confusion like this.

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Re: [bug?] smarter equip mod issue with item categories (TWoTS)
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2024, 09:30:59 pm »
None of the shipped standard mods are designed to be compatible with big/medium mods/modpacks.
Some may work under certain circumstances, most simply don't.

As for the reported issue, there's nothing wrong with the mod.
It just overwrites the categorization of items provided by TWoTS, which makes them not work as intended.

You can "fix" the issue (very poorly) by making the mod add to the item categories instead of overwriting them, which will keep the TWoTS functions...
... but it still won't be working well itself, because many TWoTS items will be missing categorizations expected by the smarter equip mod.

The only proper solution is to write a TWoTS version of the smarter equip mod.