Author Topic: [DONE][Suggestion] Keyboard Shortcut to Add Indicator over a Soldier  (Read 2214 times)

Offline Delian

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Re: [DONE][Suggestion] Keyboard Shortcut to Add Indicator over a Soldier
« Reply #15 on: September 07, 2024, 11:31:59 am »
Hmm. Here's how I'd implement this feature:
- Instead of an arrow, I'd make it a question/exclamation mark
- Put the mark the top right of the sprite (same height as the direction indicator)
- Don't use multiple colors, a single color for the mark is fine (while OP suggests colors, they're not necessary for the purpose)
- Show the mark even if the user isn't holding down any keys
- Instead of Alt+C, use:
-- CTRL+LMB click on the unit (shouldn't clash with gun force fire)
-- First click gives is question mark
-- Second click turns it into exclamation mark
-- Third click removes the mark

Offline CrazedHarpooner

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Re: [DONE][Suggestion] Keyboard Shortcut to Add Indicator over a Soldier
« Reply #16 on: September 07, 2024, 11:47:39 am »
When I was playtesting it, the yellow motion scanner arrows (and the yellow current/selected unit arrow) were mixing with the yellow custom unit arrows.
I could not distinguish which is which.

That's a fair point, even if you change the yellow custom arrows to another color it could still be a cluster fest of arrows if everything is displayed. Perhaps leaving ALT for the old facing/motion scanner markers and if you do CTRL+ALT it only displays the custom markers (?). Altho I guess this would also require the color cycling to change to CTRL+ALT+C if that's even an option. Alternatively, could the directional arrows be repurposed here and be the ones that change color giving them a dual purpose? If it's an option, then everything could remain within the ALT press and ALT+C without having to use CTRL.

I don't know about reducing the available colors, they're more discernable than changing the symbol being displayed. "Shouldn't clash with force fire"? Why wouldn't it?

Offline Delian

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Re: [DONE][Suggestion] Keyboard Shortcut to Add Indicator over a Soldier
« Reply #17 on: September 07, 2024, 12:02:46 pm »
they're more discernable than changing the symbol being displayed


Offline CrazedHarpooner

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Offline Ethereal

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Re: [DONE][Suggestion] Keyboard Shortcut to Add Indicator over a Soldier
« Reply #19 on: September 07, 2024, 12:52:51 pm »
The current solution actually has all three of these, because they all helped with the readability and because I felt comfortable with that.
(facing indicator is actually just a side effect of 1. since it shares a hotkey with the motion scanner; I didn't even pay attention to it, since I practically don't use it and didn't use it during the tests either)

I see that not everybody is comfortable with that, so we should brainstorm, which of those three should be reverted, or replaced with something else.

In fact, if you enhance the scanner effect by fully displaying the enemy units it detects, then which and what the arrows will be will no longer matter.

And so, I am for the most convenient option for using the scanner. That is, one key displays the arrows of the units detected by the scanner. There was an "Alt" key and it would be better to leave it that way. And it would be desirable for the color of the arrows to be different.

Offline Delian

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Re: [DONE][Suggestion] Keyboard Shortcut to Add Indicator over a Soldier
« Reply #20 on: September 07, 2024, 01:02:03 pm »
Sure bud.

Human eye/brain is much better at perceiving shapes/edges/contrast than it is at perceiving color/texture. This is scientifically proven and it's one of the first things that anyone studying graphics design learns. Furthermore, using colors for differentiation is also a bad idea on random-pattern backgrounds (like in battles here) because the human perception of color depends on the background the color is placed on. Lastly, computer screens don't always have good light conditions; poor contrast or sun glare will make color perception even worse. And hey, let's not talk about the color-blind people.

Offline Akamashi

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Re: [DONE][Suggestion] Keyboard Shortcut to Add Indicator over a Soldier
« Reply #21 on: September 07, 2024, 10:04:00 pm »
And how does anyone use this new color feature? In what case can it be useful?

Offline TheQuinch

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Re: [DONE][Suggestion] Keyboard Shortcut to Add Indicator over a Soldier
« Reply #22 on: September 07, 2024, 10:30:42 pm »
Here's my take, FWIW;

From what I can tell, the only complaint seems to be that the alt key has been remapped from its previous role to a different mapping. So, while the functionality hasn't been actually removed, it ended up messing with the ingrained muscle memory for the function - and in twitch games and semi-repetitive strategies both, muscle memory is Kind Of A King. And since it's incredibly handy to for spotting enemies in visually noisy areas, for some players, it gets used a lot. Also, the switch from a single key to a two-key combo makes it more inconvenient, but that might just be me.

And as for the actual unit tagging feature itself, while I haven't really formed a definite opinion yet, I'm firmly in the "if you don't like it, don't use it" camp.

So, as far as I can tell, the simplest and least intrusive way of resolving this would be to map alt back to its default behaviour, and use ctrl-alt for the unit tagging.

Another option might be to merge both features and have alt highlight both unit directions as well as the marked units - at a quick look, it doesn't seem like they conflict with each other.

And finally, there might be the option of defining a hotkey for each option in settings, but that would probably mean implementation of modifier keys for keybinds, which may or may not be worth the trouble overall.

That's basically my view on the situation.
« Last Edit: September 07, 2024, 10:42:37 pm by TheQuinch »

Offline Ethereal

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Re: [DONE][Suggestion] Keyboard Shortcut to Add Indicator over a Soldier
« Reply #23 on: September 08, 2024, 08:43:47 am »
And finally, there might be the option of defining a hotkey for each option in settings, but that would probably mean implementation of modifier keys for keybinds, which may or may not be worth the trouble overall.

No, it's a very good solution, but only if all the functions are there. I mean not only this one, but also the function keys "forceFire", "sprayWaypoints", "Running\Strafing\Sneaking" and so on. And let everyone customize it as they want.

Сan tinker with the keyboard shortcuts... or not. For example, I use a maximum of 5-6 keys from the entire list and play mainly with the mouse out of habit, since this is not StarCraft, where you need to be a virtuoso pianist, which quickly gets tiring.

Offline Vakrug

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Re: [DONE][Suggestion] Keyboard Shortcut to Add Indicator over a Soldier
« Reply #24 on: September 08, 2024, 10:14:34 am »
Are you actually going to propose a solution/improvement or are you here only to complain?
Return Alt for scanner.
For markers use any other unused key/key combination, I don't care which.

Offline Yankes

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Re: [DONE][Suggestion] Keyboard Shortcut to Add Indicator over a Soldier
« Reply #25 on: September 08, 2024, 01:22:56 pm »
I think best way to solve it is make poll to see what functionary should have priority in keybinding for `alt`, if 100 people used old keybinding but new is used by 5 then we should go back to previous version, but if 100 want new keybinding and only 5 want old version then we should stick to new.

Offline Ethereal

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Re: [DONE][Suggestion] Keyboard Shortcut to Add Indicator over a Soldier
« Reply #26 on: September 08, 2024, 02:40:52 pm »
I think best way to solve it is make poll to see what functionary should have priority in keybinding for `alt`, if 100 people used old keybinding but new is used by 5 then we should go back to previous version, but if 100 want new keybinding and only 5 want old version then we should stick to new.

Wouldn't it be more practical to give players the ability to assign keys to all functions themselves? I think that would suit absolutely everyone.

Offline Yankes

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Re: [DONE][Suggestion] Keyboard Shortcut to Add Indicator over a Soldier
« Reply #27 on: September 08, 2024, 02:55:17 pm »
Some keys can't be easy bindable, like you can't write "alt" key as this is special key. Another is that is "state-key" this mean as long you press it something is changed instead of other keys that do one action after pressing them.
Question is how much time Meridian is ready to spend to make bindable special keys, if in poll 50 people is on each side then it would be worth while to support both camps by new binging mechanics or at least user config toggle.

If Meridian do not see point in changing it, I can always bring my heavy cannons :D I already exposed to other graphic script hooks state of alt, ctr and shift.
Justification could that there is lot more possible things to show to user beside thing that Meridian already did.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2024, 03:07:38 pm by Yankes »

Offline Ethereal

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Re: [DONE][Suggestion] Keyboard Shortcut to Add Indicator over a Soldier
« Reply #28 on: September 08, 2024, 05:02:58 pm »
Some keys can't be easy bindable, like you can't write "alt" key as this is special key. Another is that is "state-key" this mean as long you press it something is changed instead of other keys that do one action after pressing them.
Question is how much time Meridian is ready to spend to make bindable special keys, if in poll 50 people is on each side then it would be worth while to support both camps by new binging mechanics or at least user config toggle.

Just need to change the algorithm. Write a key? What?! Assign a key - click - the system accepts the key, or group of keys that were pressed. If there are matches, it cancels this key, or group of keys, from other functions. This works in many games, including very old ones. Is it really impossible to implement this in OXCE+?

Well, as a last resort, can use the key numbers, as in "options.cfg" and release a "README" for beginners, where it will be described which number corresponds to which key. For key combinations, allow using something like this - "51,105".

Offline Meridian

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Re: [DONE][Suggestion] Keyboard Shortcut to Add Indicator over a Soldier
« Reply #29 on: September 08, 2024, 05:30:47 pm »
We are not stupid.
I assure you my IQ is higher than 7.
I am not going to write a 2 page essay about why things which look easy are not always easy.
If you want to try implementing it, feel free, we are open source.
It's definitely possible to implement (almost) anything you can imagine.

As for now, I return alt where it was and bind the new feature to alt+ctrl.