
Author Topic: [FIXED] multistage mission proceeding to the next stage if enemies surrender  (Read 1701 times)

Offline psavola

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If the final enemies surrender or get under MC in a former part of a multistage mission, the game proceeds to the next stage as if you aborted the mission on exit squares (= you don't get the equipment on your craft). This should be similar to 'pure' victory.

I noticed this with XCF here:

In UAC Aerospace Lab mission, the final enemy(ies) surrendered and I was moved to the underground phase. However, no equipment (either on the craft or from the enemies) transferred on that stage, so even though I got the chance re-equip the squad, the pool to choose from was empty. There was also no loot pile to equip from anywhere on the floor, as there always has been on multistage missions.

This is likely a bug, but it seems so strange that I have no idea where. Sorry, I didn't save before the first part ended.

When reposting, zRrr was kind enough to reproduce this and provide a save (see on the thread).

This is something for Meridian and Yankes, currently oxce only tests, if all remaining aliens are under mind control, else game treats it as if player moved soldiers on exit tile and aborted. MiB Lunar Base or any other multistage mission with surrendering enemies will have same issue. Probably should be reported under OXCE Bugs.

Anyway, here is save from quick battle. Hit the scientist to get your stuff, press "next turn" to not.

Offline Meridian

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thanks, I will check

Offline psavola

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I think I found a possibly related problem with surrender.

If the enemies surrender, you don't get "unlockedResearch" reward (the mission doesn't count as success from that perspective?).

I noticed this on an XCF mission that is supposed to run only once (if successfully completed): I got the second time. Looking at the save I didn't get the "unlockedResearch" reward the first time I played this.

Unfortunately I no longer recall whether I played the first time with this fix included or not. I suppose I can try see if this issue occurs again by doing the mission again and trying to get the success by enemies surrendering.

I write this on this thread at least tentatively until I can confirm whether this qualifies as a new bug or not.

« Last Edit: December 21, 2023, 09:36:42 pm by psavola »

Offline psavola

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Apparently the problem is no longer present or I could not reproduce it (unless there is a difference between enemies surrendering mid-turn rather than at the end of the turn). Hitting end turn caused unlockResearch STR_BLACK_LOTUS_SHRINE_EXPLORED to appear as expected. Here's the final battlescape save (just hit end turn) for reference.