
Author Topic: Turn 1/Game strategy for XCF  (Read 2140 times)

Offline Chuckebaby

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Turn 1/Game strategy for XCF
« on: August 13, 2023, 06:25:29 pm »
What is you typical turn one look like once advanced into the game a bit ??
Do you take out 4 soldiers if you don't see any aliens on turn 1 ?
Depending on the scene of course, for Battleships, Alien terror missions i'm a bit more reserved, smoke. Sometimes even the medium crafts can be a zinger.

I usually put 2 guys on the ground 40% used TU.
2 more guys to the left/right of the ramp.

Offline psavola

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Re: Turn 1/Game strategy for XCF
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2023, 07:27:11 pm »
There are many variables, the most important of which is whether you're willing to restart from the deployment if everything goes downhill. This probably dictates most how many risks you want to take (and how quickly you want to be done with the mission).

I assume you're either referring to Kitsune or Sky* which all have "ramps". Kitsune's design offers better protection if you don't move at all (unlikely but not impossible for the aliens to shoot inside). Sitting still on turn 1 (or just throwing smokes) does not completely guarantee survival. Sitting still in Sky* could be lethal if the aliens see inside the craft in the deployment (you could even get grenaded/blastered when the aliens move).

Nonetheless, first you should check where you are on the map. If you're close to the right side, there's better chance that aliens aren't directly facing inside the craft, and possibly even that they are deployed only on the side or the "back". Then it might be slightly safer to deploy out of the craft.

The aggression rating of the alien race is also a factor. Chasers have aggression of 3 which means that they often seem to run around and spend all or almost all of their TUs (almost all other races have 2, but Ethereals only 1 which leads to camping behaviour). So if you you know which aliens are out there (for example, you follow the "wave pattern" of UFOs on a particular mission), this might be a factor whether waiting on turn 1 is advisable. So with Chasers in particular the mission usually goes much smoother if you wait on turn 1.

My strategy has been slightly different when I didn't have good armors such as power suits yet (good enough to survive most laser and plasma hits).

If possible, deploy in the dark (even though aliens have usually 20 night vision) and throw out flares. That way at least aliens further away don't reaction-fire at you. Use some smoke. Use a disposable (untrained) dog or two to deploy first (if you want to avoid agent casualties). If you threw out smoke, a scout drone is also a good scout because the smoke doesn't hurt its vision that badly (though I'm not sure if drones can be completely destroyed by plasma or laser, with no chance of survival?) and it can see in the dark.

In mid-game, you have probably been able to scavenge some power suits or shock armors. Then alien shots are much less harmful, and even though you take some wounds, you aren't usually insta-killed. When you have these armors, I think it's relatively safe to also deploy a few scouts with these armors in turn 1 (and if everything goes well, even continue deploying the whole team if you are willing to take some chances). These armors also provide decent night vision.

I'd be interested in hearing more, especially ironman strategies.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2023, 07:56:25 pm by psavola »

Offline Juku121

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Re: Turn 1/Game strategy for XCF
« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2023, 07:45:27 pm »
Well, it kinda depends on whether there is a ramp or not.

I like the Lightning because it's basically a tower you can fire from. Skymarshall earlier, since the doors and ground-level LoS blockage make it something of a fortress as well.

I'm a pathological savescummer and use the 'reduced enemy TUs on first turn' minimod and also a personal 'less sniping' mod, so my deployment pattern probably isn't that useful, but I tend to move everyone unless I have a pressing need not to. Hide behind cover as well as I can and smoke the areas between me and possible locations of hostiles (and use sniper rifles to offset the smoke later on). And shoot everyone I can see, or at least the more dangerous enemies with extreme prejudice as fast as I can. ;D

I'm not sure if drones can be completely destroyed by plasma or laser, with no chance of survival?
It's random, like many other things. If they get shot up so bad the damage overflows and leaves no corpse (which depends a lot on the chassis, and also the weapon used by the enemy), they're dead dead. If something blows up their corpse, they're also dead dead.

In mid-game, you have probably been able to scavenge some power suits or shock armors.
Also, the MAGMA power armour is very nice against more terrestrial enemies since it has the best resistances against more conventional weapons.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2023, 07:48:17 pm by Juku121 »

Offline Chuckebaby

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Re: Turn 1/Game strategy for XCF
« Reply #3 on: November 29, 2023, 07:42:45 pm »
Learned a lot from writing this post only 3 months ago.
Sometimes it's best to come out swinging, other times it's best to lay low on turn one.
I've had situations where you fire at an enemy then you get sniped by another alien who you couldn't even see.

I'm a pathological savescummer

I'm also a dedicated, promising save scummer  :D

Any pointers ?

I don't use any shortcuts or options for save scumming. I use the mouse/buttons manually to reload saves.

Is there an easier way ?

Offline Juku121

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Re: Turn 1/Game strategy for XCF
« Reply #4 on: November 29, 2023, 08:05:03 pm »
Spoiler" Savescummers' paradise":
I'm also a dedicated, promising save scummer

Any pointers ?
Oh, grasshopper... 8)

Save at the beginning of the battle, at the beginning of each turn, at the end of each turn, when you think the battle is about to end (gotta get those sweet stat boosts ;D ), special save or two for every time you try something risky. Quicksave before each and every shot/swing (for weird tree shapes and enemies on slopes and other cases where the game lies to you/the RNG screws you/enemies overrun you too fast). Optionally, quicksave in the middle of enemy turn, but that might be a little problematic. Quickloading during enemy turns is okay, though.

Separate save at the start of each month, one save for end-of-month to get the best funding boost. One save before launching interceptors, some recycleable saves for between interceptions. Plus quicksave for your current best run.

Is there an easier way ?
Quicksave and quickload buttons, configurable in game options. Save a lot of mouse movement and clicks over time. F5/F8 or F5/F9 are customary choices, depending on what other games you've been playing lately.
« Last Edit: November 29, 2023, 08:09:58 pm by Juku121 »

Offline Empiro

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Re: Turn 1/Game strategy for XCF
« Reply #5 on: December 01, 2023, 07:14:47 am »
With Position Markers, I wonder if it doesn't make sense to now throw one of those out on the first turn. It would give close enemies something else to shoot, and it could help you plan out your next turn (if it survives).

Offline Juku121

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Re: Turn 1/Game strategy for XCF
« Reply #6 on: December 01, 2023, 10:37:38 am »
The problem with Position Markers is that it takes most of a turn to set them up right next to the agent. If they could be thrown like the scout-balls of nuCom, sure. As they are right now, not that I can see.

Offline Chuckebaby

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Re: Turn 1/Game strategy for XCF
« Reply #7 on: December 02, 2023, 02:34:44 pm »
Spoiler" Savescummers' paradise":
Oh, grasshopper... 8)

Save at the beginning of the battle, at the beginning of each turn, at the end of each turn, when you think the battle is about to end (gotta get those sweet stat boosts ;D ), special save or two for every time you try something risky. Quicksave before each and every shot/swing (for weird tree shapes and enemies on slopes and other cases where the game lies to you/the RNG screws you/enemies overrun you too fast). Optionally, quicksave in the middle of enemy turn, but that might be a little problematic. Quickloading during enemy turns is okay, though.

Separate save at the start of each month, one save for end-of-month to get the best funding boost. One save before launching interceptors, some recycleable saves for between interceptions. Plus quicksave for your current best run.
Quicksave and quickload buttons, configurable in game options. Save a lot of mouse movement and clicks over time. F5/F8 or F5/F9 are customary choices, depending on what other games you've been playing lately.

These are great. Big thanks juku