though if you demote to rookie, you cannot promote back up again.
I like this.
- To what degree is feedback and/or negative feedback desirable? IE, if you select a rank that you cannot promote to, what should happen?
Nothing happens.
Just like in the video.
(positive feedback is that the rank icon changes, negative feedback is that the dialog window doesn't close)
- Should ranks that are ineligible for promotion even show up on the list?
Yes, I think it looks nicer than a mostly empty list.
- I do not think any feedback is necessary when you successfully promote someone, the result is obvious, but I'm open to other opinions.
I agree.
- Obviously it should have an on-off switch. But it occurs to me that you might want automatic promotions on and manual promotions on. Since if demotion is possible, you can just change who is promoted anyways. So it wouldn't just be a binary switch of automatic promotions off, manual promotions on, but two switches. Thoughts about this?"
Sounds OK to me.
What I need is a setting, which provides vanilla compatibility (i.e. the off switch).
Other options are open for discussion.
- It also occurs to me though, that if there is a on/off switch for automatic promotions, it would make sense for that option to be combined with field promotions (which implies automatic promotions), as that option doesn't make sense without automatic promotions being on. However, actually implementing a 3 value switch is somewhat more complicated, and it would be somewhat difficult to do in a backwards compatible manner.
Please leave the field promotions option as it is on the GUI now (and make it apply only when relevant).
Yeah, I am all for that, and plan to look into implementing something like that after I finish this. But the two features I feel are independent.
Yes, one feature = one PR.
"One feature = many PRs" is unwanted.
"Many features = one PR" is also unwanted.