
Author Topic: [minimods] Minimod collection for 40k and Rosigma  (Read 4973 times)

Offline Rangerh

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[minimods] Minimod collection for 40k and Rosigma
« on: February 01, 2023, 06:47:24 pm »
This is a collection of several minimods i made to customize and tweak a bit the mega mod 40K and its mega expansion Rosigma, some minimods were posted here on the 40k Openxcom board and some were posted on the Rosigma Discord

Download :

List of minimods in this collection :
Improve the speed and allow AA weaponry on the 1st Company vehicle

Adds 19 commendations that can be earned by your troops

Allow to play without a care of the threat of negative end month score and budget leading to game over if happening 2 times in a row

Enable the player to choose the level of difficulty of his campaign

Heals troops faster so they spend a more reasonnable time in recovery

Force the bughunt feature to always trigger at Turn 15

Your bases radars can now detect enemy bases in their radar range

Lower the daily negative score impact on you by those quick multiplying enemy bases

lower amount of enemies by mission, made to be played through BrutalAI

Remove the dodging feature from Rosigma

Remove the enemy transforming feature from Rosigma

Resimplify Space Hulks mission from Rosigma

Each minimod archives contains the minimods related readme explaining the minimod effects and how to install them to your 40K + Rosigma

Note : for the Lowered Enemy for Brutal AI minimod, it is very recommended to get Brutal AI, as both the 1/2 or the 2/3 versions of it were designed for it :

« Last Edit: February 01, 2023, 06:49:06 pm by Rangerh »

Offline Simi822

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Re: [minimods] Minimod collection for 40k and Rosigma
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2023, 06:59:16 pm »


add 1xfor Mellee weapon kills

several ones based on killed enemies (orcs, eldar, Tyranids, GSC, chaos, etc)

and maybe later a Weapon proficiency badge /each weapon?/

just like for FMP:

Offline Rangerh

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Re: [minimods] Minimod collection for 40k and Rosigma
« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2023, 05:56:43 pm »
I have these in the plans for a long time, there are a lot of various kind of commendation that can be done :

But when it comes to 40k+Rosigma, i just need to find the time and motivation to manage to sort out the truckload amount of units, giant amount of weapons and their variants, the units various factions so it can get the counts right for those specific commendations.
It's a bigger pain to do than with default xcom/tftd

Offline Rangerh

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Re: [minimods] Minimod collection for 40k and Rosigma
« Reply #3 on: March 25, 2023, 12:56:08 am »
Made an update V2 release of the minimod collection to fix some minimods to work with the latest Rosigma 2.1

- Added Rosigma Menu Adeptas minimod
- Updated LoweredEnemies4BrutalAIRosigmaV2 to work for Rosigma 2.1
- Updated NoDodgingRosigmaV2 to work for Rosigma 2.1
- Updated NoTransformRosigmaV2 to work for Rosigma 2.1

edit : released a version V2.1 to fix a typo in the LoweredEnemies4BrutalAI
« Last Edit: March 25, 2023, 01:11:43 am by Rangerh »

Offline Rangerh

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Re: [minimods] Minimod collection for 40k and Rosigma
« Reply #4 on: March 27, 2023, 12:05:42 am »
updated again to fix a crash that could happen when some specific missions spawned when using one of the two "lowered enemies 4 brutal AI" minimods

Offline sayan

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Re: [minimods] Minimod collection for 40k and Rosigma
« Reply #5 on: July 31, 2023, 01:13:09 pm »
Thanks for the mods, I've been using several of these for BrutalAI.
However I've run into problem with webway gate mission spawning enemies every turn on turn 1 onwards regardless of webway being destroyed. I've been playing with 3/4 enemies V1.7 enabled(from alltheminimodsv3-96cq). After I disabled this submod and reloaded geoscape save before the mission that fixed it. Haven't noticed anything wrong with spawns in other missions.

Offline Simi822

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Re: [minimods] Minimod collection for 40k and Rosigma
« Reply #6 on: March 13, 2024, 09:23:43 am »
I think I saw that there is a mini mod created to turn of Alpha legion infiltration, you could add it to your collection...if the creator agrees

Offline Rangerh

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Re: [minimods] Minimod collection for 40k and Rosigma
« Reply #7 on: March 14, 2024, 01:00:32 pm »
usually each minimod author like to maintain their mods and updating it or bugfixing them when there is a new version of oxce/40k/rosigma can be a pain for your own stuff already , i don't really want to go through the headaches of updating compatibility with mods from other authors :D
There's a bunch of minimods from other authors that can be found on the Rosigma discord

Anyways, while updating the collection and adding a couple of new ones for the new 40k 0.37 and Rosigma 2.6  release (and OXCE 7.12 that is now required by those mods) , i fixed the very long time issue regarding enemy reinforcement that were going insane that was reported by the user sayan previously.
Thanks for the mods, I've been using several of these for BrutalAI.
However I've run into problem with webway gate mission spawning enemies every turn on turn 1 onwards regardless of webway being destroyed. I've been playing with 3/4 enemies V1.7 enabled(from alltheminimodsv3-96cq). After I disabled this submod and reloaded geoscape save before the mission that fixed it. Haven't noticed anything wrong with spawns in other missions.
Took me longer than i thought to see where was the problem, but fortunately it's fixed now better late than never.
Updated "LessBaseMalusRosigma" and "LoweredEnemies4BrutalAIRosigma" minimods to Rosigma 2.6
Fixed a problem leading to neverending AI reinforcements from the start of some missions
Added the old DaytimeOnly for 40K and Rosigma and updated it to Rosigma 2.6 (and added a NightTimeOnly version in case you only want missions to be at night)
TransformReplacer updated to adjust the slightly easier early missions for some factions
Added Scarabs Lite that reduce strongly the scarab exploding damage on death
go get version 6 there :
should only works correctly with OXCE 7.12 + 40K 0.37 (don't forget the patch 0.37.1) + Rosigma 2.6
« Last Edit: March 14, 2024, 01:02:44 pm by Rangerh »

Offline Simi822

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Re: [minimods] Minimod collection for 40k and Rosigma
« Reply #8 on: March 14, 2024, 05:01:45 pm »
no worries I just saw it in the Ironman play by the Toad guy...I assume Leftair created some for him directly /jut like they created some for Beagle/

so most likely not available for the Plebs....well I also mod some part in the game for myself /like if Vostroya is available for all faction...then why not the Hotshot ammo or the ridiculous price for Liberator autostub ammo etc./

so will mod it myself...

Offline Rangerh

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Re: [minimods] Minimod collection for 40k and Rosigma
« Reply #9 on: March 26, 2024, 03:34:16 pm »
The "disable alpha legion infiltration" minimod to turn them off is from EttyKitty, as he's a contributor to 40k and Rosigma i think he must have a codeberg or github place in which he put his mini mods, but i have no idea where.
in case one is interested by disabling this Rosigma feature but can't find it, i attach his minimod to this post :
« Last Edit: March 26, 2024, 08:27:56 pm by Rangerh »

Offline Rangerh

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Re: [minimods] Minimod collection for 40k and Rosigma
« Reply #10 on: April 05, 2024, 11:03:42 pm »
new Rosigma 2.6A release, and updated the minimod collection for it
Updated to be compatible with Rosigma 2.6A :
both minimods included in LoweredEnemies4BrutalAIRosigma minimods
both minimods included in NoDogingRosigma
the TransformReplacer minimod included in NoTransformRosigma minimods
requires OXCE 7.12 + 40K 0.37 (don't forget the patch 0.37.2) + Rosigma 2.6A

Offline Rangerh

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Re: [minimods] Minimod collection for 40k and Rosigma
« Reply #11 on: June 16, 2024, 06:59:59 pm »
new version of the minimod collection 8.0 updated for 40k 0.38 + Rosigma 2.7

- updated DayorNightOnly with missions i missed previously
- updated LessBaseMalus to current base pool
- added StrongerMarines that boost the space marines, deathwatch, grey knights and primaris more in line with "movie space marines strong"
- added NoSpotterRosigma that remove the sniper/spotter AI system described there :,5679.0.html
- added XCOM View Distance that set the max view distance the same as good old UFO Xcom Defense, should additionally improve performance noticably (even more in Brutal AI i suppose)
- added Less Corruption that lower noticably the power of corruption and infections
- added More Corruption that restore the power of corruption and infection to how they were in Rosigma 2.6
- updated ScarabLite to be less resistant and not flying as much (as it was stuttering a bit with default AI)
- updated Better1stCompany, Rosigma had recently increased a lot its map speed and it is actually faster than with this minimod does, so i removed the speed value this had, the minimod still add anti air weaponry
- updated noDodging with all armors
- updated the Adeptas menu to get rid of the harmless warning about the transparent index in the .log
- updated LoweredEnemies4BrutalAIRosigma for Rosigma 2.7