More intelligent aliens could be a really interesting challenge.
-Picking up weapons if they have none (after dropping it due to a berserk for example)
The code for it already existed. But when I tried it, it didn't work. But that's not the code's fault. I tried to debug it and followed it back to right where the variable is checked. It somehow was false despite me having anabled it. I think the reason could be that it only works after starting a new mission, which wasn't helpful for comparative testing. With my AI it is now made sure to always use that code.
-Making mind controlled xcom suicide with grenades or other explosive weapons
Yes, they'll do that. In some of my tests they controlled 4 X-Com-soldies in the sky-ranger and they all threw nades at each other. I would think they already did this before. My grenade-throwing code doesn't count the throwing unit as 4 times more valuable as the other targets anymore. It probably shouldn't consider itself as more valuable anymore at all, when it's not it's original faction. Actually... Let me change that right away. So it'll become the realization of first user-feedback!
if (_unit->getFaction() == _unit->getOriginalFaction())
enemiesAffected -= 2;
-Making mind controlled xcom throw away their weapons sometimes
Not sure that's too useful. But could be an idea if there's absolutely noone else around to shoot at. I'll keep it in mind.
-Also stoked about ideas already mentioned about using medkit, and scouts/snipers, etc. Maybe "medic" aliens can finally actually be medics
Do they have any items or abilities for that to work? I'd need a mod where they have that ability for testing.
-Using medkits to wake up stunned aliens
Same as above. They normally don't have them, do they?