Thank you for the answer. After some more research I think I answered my question myself.
The mod which led me to the question is 40k. Weapon articles in this mod have unusual composition, by the time of writing I did not recognize TFTD style. So there are only two paedia temlates - UFO and TFTD.
Problem is there are like 20 bolters in mod, wich share very similar characteristics (and half of them share the same picture, which TFTD allows). Comparing these without a spreadsheet is a pain. I was thinking of making a submod for my own use. Ranges could be displayed for example like that:
Auto (x3)/5 35% 50%
Snap/11 50% 40%
Hence the question.
Looking in localization files there are strings like STR_SHOT_TYPE_SNAP: "Snap (x{0})". Was wondering if it is possible to change into something like "Snap (x{0})/{1}", where {1} is optional. Looking into the code, they are hardcoded. Another option would be adding to STATS FOR NERDS, but it seems more confusing than helping. And the string is also hardcoded.
So the question turns into suggestion with tiny chances to implement. Ranges do not boter me that bad to make a fork of OXCE ))