I have read all of the previously proposed options for the alternative soldier equipment system and thought about how the changes could be minimized so that the new system would be as close to the old system as possible.
So, what is the biggest inconvenience, in my opinion - despite the fact that each soldier now remembers the equipment issued to him (that is, the rudiments of the personal equipment system already exist), when he is assigned to another transport plane, it may not have the right amount of equipment for all soldiers. And if you open the outfitting screen, you see the operatives not fully equipped.
That is, simply assigning soldiers to transport is not enough, because among them there may be specialists who require special equipment.
So I propose that the game itself checks whether there is enough equipment on board, after assigning the crew, based on their previously assigned equipment (summing up their personal equipment and comparing it with what they already have), and asks if they need to supplement the onboard supplies. If there's something missing from the base, it tells what and how much - similar to the lack of equipment screen after the battle. At the same time, if there is a surplus in the transport, it stays there. Also later you can additionally load the necessary reserve ammo and weapons in the usual way.
It would also be good to have a separate option to equip a soldier not yet assigned to the transport. To do this, there should be a separate equip button in his profile. If a soldier is already assigned to a transport, he will be equipped from the stocks of that transport, but if he's still free, he will be equipped from the base's store.
That is, if you want, you can give him rare equipment at the base, and then assign him to the transport and then the game will ask whether to load his necessary equipment after him, if it does not appear on board a free replacement.
I understand that my option does not cover all possible situations.
For example, I do not propose to unload rare equipment in the warehouse base, following the departed fighter. This would have to do manually.
But this semi-automatic loading transport necessary equipment, as I think should make the game with mods, where there is a lot of different equipment.
P.S. There may be inaccuracies in the text as it is a machine translation. Sorry.