
Author Topic: [Answered] OXCE options reset to default  (Read 1484 times)

Offline Sentinel

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[Answered] OXCE options reset to default
« on: February 21, 2022, 09:53:42 pm »
Hi Guys.

Playing 7.5.3 on PC and I've only had this happen once, and I'm not sure how to reproduce it.

When I got the thing running initially, I clicked YES on "automatic update check" and YES to many things in the Extended section at the bottom.

Played heaps of times, saved, quit the game. Repeat.

Once I went back in and I noticed that it didn't say at the very beginning at the top "You are using the latest OpenXcom version". Thought hmm this is strange.

Went into the settings and the update check was set to NO and the Extended section seemed to be set to default - somehow that part reset itself. Everything else, the Geoscape/Battlescape in the Advanced section was not affected.

Yeah, not sure what's up.

One question regarding modding.

I know you can evaporate a barn or whatnot with Explosion Height 3 and a couple HE's (tried 1 HE in the centre and there are parts remaining) but
is it possible to collapse a building using Explosion Height 0 as per default setting? So if the whole of ground floor goes then the whole building will = a wreckage?
Is this possible to mod?

Hope that makes sense.

« Last Edit: February 12, 2023, 12:26:08 pm by Meridian »

Offline Meridian

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Re: OXCE options reset to default
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2023, 12:25:51 pm »
Regarding settings:

this could be caused by various things.. but from your description my best guess is that you have used the same options.cfg file to run also OpenXcom (not OXCE), which doesn't know the OXCE settings, so it removed them from the file and next time you ran OXCE, they were added with default values

Regarding applying gravity on terrain:

only units and items feel gravity in OpenXcom... terrain does not