Author Topic: Battle Stories  (Read 2960 times)

Offline Blood Raven 117

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Battle Stories
« on: January 13, 2018, 10:00:40 am »
So if any of you remember I asked about a possible thread with stories in it. People assumed I mean the GAME story, but I actually meant Battle stories, so this is just a fun little thread where you can describe that epic mission where your favored or most unfavored gal proceeds to win it for you after a hard fought battle, Doomguy style. Or when that incoming Space Ranger battleship is just BARELY shot down outside your main base where all your gals are convalescing. We all have these stories of triumph and failure, I encourage you to share.

Her name was Abyss Imp, we laughed at first when she was introduced, much to her.... hehheh, embarrassment. We gave her what we gave all our new gals at the time, a combat shotgun, a spare drum, a used combat vest, and a bandage. Very modest equipment for a gal with an insatiable lust for combat. A lust we often denied as she was the first in the skyranger and last off of it for the first few weeks. She was quiet, not unusually so, but looking back, one cannot help but see the signs. Then, she had her time, her time of unrelenting lust for battle and death.

It was one of our first times fighting these demons,a nd we came woefully unprepared, we were expecting a fight, a Mutant alliance call for help in a pogrom in Rogue Fields. Details had been unclear, all we knew, it was in a unusually clear warren of the mutant slums we saw them, screaming in pain and on fire, already the sun had set and the smoke choked air was more reminiscent of a ghouls den then the cool night air we were all familiar with. The Captain took a vote, will we save them? Can we against this unknown foe? We all thought it was another fire bombing by the humanists, so the ayes chorused out, as we were all eager to see them hang for their transgressions against kin however distant these mutants were.

And as we landed we saw them, at first we assumed it a humanist soldier, usually bulked out on the cheap steroids they often employed to their footsoldiers. indeed, the ratatatat of the nearby super shoot gun downed the being easily. But behind it as the smoke cleared and we secured out moor we saw different. The vomit inducing smell of them is now well known to me, even as I unbuckled my seat in the cockpit to join my sisters. I was next to her, and she had a smile I would soon know to be the crazed look I would associate her in full blood lust. Her shaved hair formed into a mohawk, her skin the color of tanned hide. And as we watched our sisters scream their battle cries and disembark from the SkyPirate already we heard one of our own fall with a shriek of pain.

The sound of fire, bursting near the Sky made the metal slightly hot to the touch, I was angered, for it was my child I had assembled by hand with the runts. And when we unloaded we beheld the carnage, in mere seconds we had spread out and engaged the enemy, and the panicked screams and shouts that met me was unfamiliar to the rowdy charge we were so familiar with. Already Brass Kaitlyn was tending to the wounded, her smoke streaked face covered in blood as well, her own midriff of her armor smoking and charred. That look of pain and terror upon the young lass she was operating on, I would never forget that, among the multitude of things I will sooner die than forget.

Abyss Imp, she was chanting firey platitudes, incensed and entering a frenzy I had hardly seen the woman ever enter before. And charging up an alley I saw the red coated imp unfurl a fireball right upon her. I feared for her, I had already seen a multitude of gals panick and drop their weapons at the intense heat and pain. Indeed, already I saw half and more of our landing party wounded or dead from flames and gunfire. She emerged screaming not in pain but in joy! And immediately a trio of shells were fired and the imp's body was ripped open and felled, then the gunner beside it as well.

Still aflame like a sentient torch, she cut down the firewall of foes who held up our first charge, and we rallied and escaped ot the main street, while she remained in the alleys, stalking the terrible foe in the warren and apartments. While we killed a handful of invisible pink demons saving but a couple of mutants, she had stormed a warehouse, felled its demonic inhabitants, and no longer alit kicked down the door of an apartment, and killing the brownback that had just finished murdering an innocent mutant, her gun was no longer supplied. throwing it away she recovered the creature's double barrel and on the stairwell, another brown and black back were found, receiving twin barrels of cackling laughter and blood soaked joy. Taking up the heavier armament she continued to clear the building with grenade and shotgun. hidden from view as we attempted to clear the last of resistance, the dark ones providing more than enough spirit, but their firepower found lacking even as we downed the last pink one with our SMGs and combat shotguns.

Abyss Imp was already finished by the time we had felled the last of them, our ammunition nearly spent suppressing the fearless foe. In her hand she held a hand cannon, the other the last of the clip she had scavenged. no longer laughing, and indeed no longer sane I thought she entered the SkyPirate and collapsed against the fold outs inside. No one harassed her awake after the fight. Indeed, when we returned to the hideout, the first request she made, with the slight curl of a smile, was to use a weapon that would sooner fail than run dry in battle. Given a newly freed super shooty gun, the smile that graced her face was one that would grace the battlefield as he lead the charge every time we met the dark ones in battle. While they held no fear, they all learned to respect her twin cacking barrels of fire.

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: Battle Stories
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2018, 06:29:28 pm »
Great story. I wouldn't mind seeing more!

I'll try to add something when I go back to actually playing.


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Re: Battle Stories
« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2018, 09:13:30 am »
Great story.
I have one though its not about Piratez. Its just regular xcom with a couple of weapon mods. Hope you enjoy

    It was July 2 2002, I had just had my funding cut from a catastrophic failure when attacking a Battleship, All my high level operatives killed and I was left with a rocket tank and a handfull of other assorted weaponry. Then I got an alert: Aliens terrorize Tokyo. So I sent the backup skyranger with 8 rookies and the tank.
   Upon landing I could see 3 etherals. I quickly ordered my tank to blast them. it successfully destroyed them. Over the next couple of turns I spread my soldiers about. Then an alien grenade landed in the middle of my tank and 5 of my soldiers: 5 left. I sent Alex (The only Sargent in the squad) up to check the main apartment building armed with a rifle equimed with an acog and under barrel shotgun. He killed a few of the etherals when one of them mind controls my soldier downstairs and causes him to drop the incendiary grenade he was holding. 4 left. Soon the entire house was enveloped in fire and there was one way out. The roof. So Alex jumped (just imagine a huge leap ). The last for of my soldiers regrouped and cleared there wounds when Fred was hit from behind. It was  a Sectopod. 3 left. The last 3 emptyed all there ammo into it to take it down. At this moment one of the three panicked and ran straint into an alien proximity mine. 2 left.
      So Alex and the other soldier took cover as plasma beams rained past them. He just used his last shot of ammo downing an ethereal. That's when his buddy with a crazy look in his eyes turned and shot him once, and twice with his rifle. Alex then with tears in his eyes and blood on his chest pointed his handgun and shot his friend 3 times in the skull.1 left. He tried to get to the med kit on the floor but a Ethereal leader blocked his path. Reatreating was not an option it was fight or die. He, with heavy breaths, used his last bullet to shoot the Leader. and hit ethereal. Alex glad it was over limped to the Skyranger shoved the dead pilot aside and flew back to base to rest.
    Alex then was promoted to colonel. And flew 29 missions and went to mars. Where he saw the Brain and upon taking shot after shot was able to prime the grenade and land it near the brain.
    He died a hero.

Offline Blood Raven 117

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Re: Battle Stories
« Reply #3 on: January 15, 2018, 11:38:57 am »
I hope to add more stories as well, while I've currently retired that crew due to a bit of boredom (And space rangers) I've already fought the dark ones in pogroms two times in a row in my first three pogroms. On the bright side I got some good guns. So I may add my first pogrom with them later.