Demo DownloadPlaying internet detective, I've managed to track down a lot of the stock sounds used in X-Com, but in a much
much higher bitrate. My goal is to replace every sound in the game with its high-quality counterpart, effectively improving the sound without straying from vanilla. I've searched about a dozen sound effect libraries and some of these things are turning out to be quite elusive. If anyone can help me locate the remaining samples (or even point to other games that used them), that would be super helpful.
Sounds located:Big explosion
Small explosion
Metal footsteps
Grass/dirt footsteps
Item drop (?)
Item throw (?)
Metal door open
Metal door close
Common door
Laser fire
Bullet fire
Ship plasma beam
Heavy/Auto cannon fire
Blaster/Stun launcher fire
Bullet ricochet
All UI beeps/whooshes
Ethereal death
Muton death
Snakeman death
All female death screams
Sounds missing:Rocket launcher fire
Plasma fire
Mind probe
Mind control
All interception sounds (minus plasma beam)
Snow footsteps
Mud footsteps
Mars footsteps
Sand footsteps (the same?)
Hover sound
Male death 1
Male death 2
Male death 3
Metal crash (cyberdisk death, etc.)
Silacoid move
Snakeman move
Reaper/zombie attack
Chyssalid death
Silacoid death
Sectoid/Floater death