Greetings, OpenXCOM folks! I come to you by way of UFO:AI, and I have to say I am impressed by the speed with which this project has progressed. I remember looking at the various X-COM related links on the UFOAI a year ago, and OpenXCOM was at version... 0.3? There was no working Geoscape, no working base management, no nothing. Now... You have recreated X-COM. I am humbled.
I managed to find a bug, and reported it (as a guest user) but figured I should actually register and introduce myself. An open-source X-COM game has been a dream of mine for a while, and I am eager to start modding things. Small things, probably, but still.
I have some slight skill in C++, and so I hope to contribute to the base project as well. I'm currently reading through the source code to see if I can solve my own bug report, so we'll see.