Author Topic: [OXCE] How to request a new feature?  (Read 5966 times)

Offline Meridian

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[OXCE] How to request a new feature?
« on: December 09, 2023, 01:22:37 pm »
1. Open a new thread in this board (,35.0.html)

2. Give it a good name

3. Describe what you want to achieve (e.g. via use case, example, etc.)

4. Don't panic if I don't respond immediately

- one thread = one feature request... if you put more than one request into a thread, there's a good chance I will ignore it completely as spam
- describe the requirement/problem, not only the solution... there are many solutions to the same problem, and I will likely come up with a different solution (so if the problem is not described well, you will be double-disappointed, because I will do a different solution than you wanted AND the problem might not even be solved)
- I accept QoL features from anyone (modders and players)
- I accept modding features ONLY from modders (either established modders, or new modders who have already published something non-trivial)
- I do not accept private requests (i.e. some new feature for your own private mod, which you will not share with anyone)
- I don't have much time anymore, don't panic if I don't answer within 1 day... written answer and/or just a categorization of the request can take several weeks, implementation can take months or even years depending on complexity and priority
- this is not my job, it's a hobby
- if I reject your request (,6498.0.html), don't take it personally... I am also entitled to my own opinion

Also, if you're a DEV wanting to contribute a new feature:
- do not just make a PR
- open a request here like everyone else, where we will first discuss if the feature is suitable for OXCE and if the solution is suitable for OXCE
- if github had an option to disable PRs, I would disable it already long ago... but it doesn't, so don't blame me
« Last Edit: September 14, 2024, 05:02:07 pm by Meridian »

Offline Meridian

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Re: [OXCE] How to request a new feature?
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2024, 11:22:09 pm »
Established modders:

- bulletdesigner (40k)
- Buscher (Rosigma) -
- Dioxine (XPZ)
- efrenespartano (UNEXCOM) -
- Ethereal (X-Com TFTU)
- Filip H (Counter-Terrorist Operations)
- Finnik (From the Ashes)
- hellrazor (Hardmode) -
- Hobbes (Area51) -
- Leflair (Rosigma) -
- Luke83 (various)
- memmaker (Vigilo Confido) -
- Nord (TWoTS, Chronicles)
- ohartenstein23 (40k)
- robin (From the Apocalypse, various)
- Solarius Scorch (XCF, FMP) -
- The Reaver of Darkness (Harmony, Faithful)

Aspiring/retired/other modders:

- AlicePaws (XCF Arsenal Additions)
- alinare (The Endless War)
- B1ackwolf (Xeno Operations Legacy)
- CanadianBeaver (Awesome Guns) -
- cevaralien (XCOM Multimod)
- chaosshade (Arsenal Expanded)
- Cirius (UNIT Operations)
- clownagent (Land of Sand)
- Cooper (UFO: Alien Takeover)
- Daev (TFTD: Vanilla Plus) -
- Iovan (Orion's Shadow)
- Khaligufzel (NuclearWorld) -
- KingMob4313 (Equal Terms)
- Kozinsky (various)
- Kronos913 (Kronos 913)
- Osobist (SCP Foundation?) -- not accepting any more suggestions until I see a published mod
- Shoes / Ivan Dogovich (Commendations)
- Surrealistic (Rosigma)
- The Martian (various)
- XOps (Xeno Operations)

Whitelisted non-modders (keep it reasonable guys):

- CrazedHarpooner
- Delian
- karadoc
- R1dO
- Starving Poet
- Stoddard

If you feel you should be on the list, tell me.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2025, 09:20:26 pm by Meridian »