
Author Topic: [DONE] Increased alien hidden movement speed (and player movement speed)  (Read 13941 times)

Offline Meridian

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New OXCE v6.4.2 is up.

 - MUCH MUCH faster alien hidden movement (regardless of alien movement speed setting)
 - much faster player movement speed at higher player movement speed settings in Options (same as in year 2018 and earlier versions)
 - (supposedly) more battery drain on laptops/phones (same as in year 2018) -- not confirmed; and not quantified


Some of you have already tried this version (it's been published via auto-update) and everybody so far reports big improvements and no side effects.

I'd like to ask everyone else for feedback as well.

To benefit from speed improvements, you need the following settings in Options menu:
1. "Advanced>FPS limit" must be different than 0 (I recommend 60)
2a. Either use software rendering (Video>Display Filter = Disabled)
2b. Or use OpenGL rendering (for example Video>Display Filter = Raw*) AND also set vSyncForOpenGL: false in options.cfg file --- and just to repeat again, DO NOT set "Advanced>FPS Limit" to 0!

This will make OXCE able to run at the same speed as in this video (OpenXcom version from year 2018):
So that you have a benchmark to compare against.

Feedback is most welcome... positive and more importantly also negative.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2023, 12:32:38 pm by Meridian »

Offline Meridian

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Re: Increased alien hidden movement speed (and player movement speed)
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2020, 05:03:20 pm »
To support this critical feature, the VSync for OpenGL option is now available also via the GUI, not only via options.cfg