I'm just guessing, but it looks like you added some tileset in MapView to make this map, but either didn't put this new tileset in the game, or didn't reference it in the terrain.
The tileset has been added in the terrain file, don't exactly understand what you mean with "the game" however, i'm guessing you're talking about the game folder and if so, it's right in there.
Basically i managed to fix that by "breaking" the mcd file, for some reason it doesn't use the tile i'm telling him, he basically jumps at tile like 30 steps ahead, don't know why or if i explained myself somehow.
Both mcd and pck files were created from zero, i had to grab an mcd file from another terrain and rename it, find which tile it's placing ingame and change that into the correct tile. It's a workaround, not great but for testing purposes it's working.
I've added a screeshot of the workaround, don't judge my poorly drawn table however