Hello there!
I am testing my WW1 project on Android, using OXCE v5.3. I have twice found this error that says "A fatal error has occurred: vector". It happens in Battlescape, with the gasmask armor of the Soldiers mod and with some weapons from the GunpowderGuns mod. Of course the rulesets still have bugs, I'm still working on them, but this problem I don't know how to solve it, because the log file doesn't says anything.
The next question I have is: in the mod, I have different soldierTypes, one for each nation. I want to activate the flags, similar to The X-Com Files. With the first nation, the British, it worked perfectly. The problem is that with the Americans and Germans, the correct flag does not appear. Flags belonging to the British appear, instead. How do I resolve this?
Thanks in advance!
I'm attaching a Google Drive link with the two mods and a openxcom.log file, because the upload size limit in Tapatalk is around 20 MB
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WMfZsTMT5LagC3f6vq6yAyjCFti_cdKZ/view?usp=drivesdkEnviado desde mi Blade A510 mediante Tapatalk